Library / English Dictionary


    Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

     I. (noun) 

    Sense 1


    A vacuum coffee makerplay

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting man-made objects

    Hypernyms ("Silex" is a kind of...):

    coffee maker (a kitchen appliance for brewing coffee automatically)

    Domain usage:

    trademark (a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product)

    Sense 2


    A pure form of finely ground silicaplay

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting substances

    Hypernyms ("silex" is a kind of...):

    silica; silicon dioxide; silicon oxide (a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid (SiO2); various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechatelierite)


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