Health / Medical Topics

    Skin Ulcer

    Definition 1

    A circumscribed and often suppurating skin crater which usually includes loss of skin integrity of the superficial skin or the mucous membranes. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A disorder characterized by circumscribed, inflammatory and necrotic erosive lesion on the skin. (NCI Thesaurus/CTCAE)


    A distinctive characteristic of the skin marked by the amount of sebum secreted by sebaceous glands.
    The grafting of skin in humans or animals from one site to another to replace a lost portion of the body surface…
    Tissue composed of three layers- epidermis, dermis and subcutis which protect underlying muscles and organs. Skin is used for insulation, vitamin D…
    A preparation of an antigenic component of an infectious agent that is administered to a patient in order to determine whether previous…
    A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to skin test.
    A test for an immune response to a compound by placing it on or under the skin.

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