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Sodium Phosphate/Sodium Biphosphate Laxative
An oral hyperosmotic saline laxative containing sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate. Sodium phosphate/sodium biphosphate oral laxative promotes retention of water in the bowel, thereby increasing stool water content and volume, which results in increased gastrointestinal motility and stool transit time and evacuation of colonic contents. (NCI Thesaurus)
A radioactive phosphate salt that distributes readily into intra and extracellular compartments and accumulates in rapidly dividing cancer cells leading to cell…
An inorganic compound used as a laxative, dietary supplement and for electrolyte-replacement purposes. Phosphate, a predominant intracellular anion, plays an important role…
The sodium salt of phenylbutyrate, a derivative of the short-chain fatty acid butyrate, with potential antineoplastic activity. Phenylbutyrate reversibly inhibits class I…
The sodium salt form of phenylacetate with ammonia detoxifying activity. Upon administration, sodium phenylacetate binds to glutamine thereby forming phenylacetylglutamine and is…
A crystalline powder essential for the metabolism and development of plants and animals as a cofactor for enzymes.
A highly soluble, orally available trivalent arsenic-containing telomerase inhibitor with potential antitumor activity. Although the exact mechanism through which sodium metaarsenite exerts…