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    Space News

    Newly discovered 2020 XL5 dwarfs other known Earth Trojan asteroid. »
    A supermassive black hole 9 billion light-years away appears to have a companion black hole (...) »
    Object is located in rare low-mass stripped nucleus. »
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology astronomers have obtained (...) »
    Astronomers use adaptive optics system that reduces distortion. »
    Rare phenomenon left long streams of debris in its wake. »
    Scientists analyze images from Juno satellite to study enormous polar cyclones. »
    Scientists have shown how the freezing of a ‘slushy’ ocean of magma may be responsible for the composition of the Moon’s crust. »
    A team of astronomers have found evidence of another planet orbiting Proxima Centauri (...) »
    Researchers examining archives find more than 70 Jupiter-sized orphan planets. »
    After analyzing powdered rock samples collected from the surface of Mars by (...) »
    Astronomers find remains of a cluster of ancient stars at Milky Way's edge. »
    Study finds mass at the center of the Milky Way is 99.9% from Sagittarius A*. »
    A team of scientists wants Pluto classified as a planet again — along with dozens of similar bodies in the solar system and any found around distant stars. »
    Rogue planets are elusive cosmic objects that have masses comparable to those of the planets in our (...) »
    Scientists with NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover mission have discovered that the bedrock their six-wheeled explorer has been (...) »
    Using observations from NASA’s ICON mission, scientists presented the first direct measurements (...) »
    Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT), astronomers have discovered a small black hole outside the Milky Way by looking at how it influences the motion of a star in its close vicinity. »
    Supercomputer-powered 3D imaging of roots helps develop climate change-adapted plants. »
    A radiation sensor aboard the spacecraft is providing new data on the health risks humans would face on the surface. »
    Researchers from the University of Arizona say a near-Earth asteroid, named Kamo`oalewa, (...) »
    Recently found planetary system could yield clues about the fate of our solar system. »
    A new discovery is shedding light on how fluorine — an element found in our bones and teeth as fluoride — is forged in the Universe. »
    Exoplanet's atmospheric temperature and winds much higher than prior estimations. »
    Astronomers have spotted tantalizing signs of a planet in a star system outside the Milky Way, which, if it's confirmed, would be the first ever found in another galaxy. »
    Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have formed a hypothesis about the absence of liquid water on the surface of Mars. The team's findings suggest that Mars doesn't have enough mass to retain large amounts of water. »
    Space experts have detected unusual radio waves coming from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. »
    The gigantic impact that created the moon was actually a one-two punch, a new study suggests. »
    Supernovas create interstellar emissions that seed future stars. »
    Plenty of data from Mars suggests the nearby red world was once much more watery, like Earth. »
    Scientists found evidence that a region of northern Mars called Arabia Terra experienced thousands of “super eruptions,” the biggest volcanic eruptions known, over a 500-million-year period. »
    Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope a team of astronomers have obtained the sharpest and most detailed images yet of the asteroid Kleopatra. »
    Saturn’s rings aren’t just a beautiful adornment (...). »


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