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    Space News

    A new class of exoplanet very different to our own, but which could support life, has been identified by (...) »
    Oxygen rise paved the way for the spectacular diversity of animal life. »
    A team of astronomers have used the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile to shed new light on planets around a nearby star (...) »
    Astronomers have detected the presence of a disc around a planet outside our Solar System for the first time. »
    Tantalizing evidence has been uncovered for a mysterious population (...) »
    Cosmic dawn, when stars formed for the first time, occurred 250 million to 350 million years after the beginning of the universe, according to a new study. »
    A catalyst that destroys perchlorate in water could clean Martian soil. »
    Earth's solid-iron inner core is growing faster on one side than the other »
    Oxygen levels in the world's temperate freshwater lakes are declining rapidly a trend driven largely by climate change that threatens freshwater biodiversity and drinking water quality. »
    The spacecraft flew closer to Jupiter’s largest moon than any other in more than two decades, offering dramatic glimpses of the icy orb. »
    The science team is studying the clouds, which arrived earlier and formed higher than expected, to learn more about the Red Planet. »
    In the sparse collection of atoms that fills interstellar space, Voyager 1 has measured (...) »
    The milestone, which the MOXIE instrument achieved by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, points the way to future human exploration of the Red Planet. »
    The small rotorcraft made history, hovering above Jezero Crater, demonstrating that powered, controlled flight on another planet is possible. »
    New observations with the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope indicate that the rogue comet 2I/Borisov, which is only (...) »
    Stars form in stellar eggs, cosmic clouds of gas and dust that collapse due to gravity. »
    New measure of ‘Hubble constant’ highlights discrepancy between estimates of our cosmic fate. »
    The Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, who produced the first ever image of a black hole, has today revealed a new view of the massive object at (...) »
    Scientists have long theorized that supermassive black holes can wander through space—but catching them in the act has proven difficult. »
    Transformed from a gaseous planet like Neptune to a hot, rocky world with a poisonous atmosphere, GJ 1132 b shows that planets can undergo drastic physical changes. »
    Sparks triggered by friction under normal atmospheric conditions would likely be small. »
    For the first time, a wayward comet-like object has been spotted near the family of ancient asteroids. »
    NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover got its first high-definition look around its new home in Jezero Crater on Feb. 21, after rotating its mast, or “head,” 360 degrees, allowing the rover’s Mastcam-Z instrument to capture its first panorama after touching down on the Red Planet on Feb 18. »
    Findings suggest the first galaxies in the universe were more massive than previously thought. »
    Mission controllers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California have received the first status report from the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, (...) »
    The chromosphere remains the most mysterious of the Sun’s atmospheric layers. Sandwiched between the bright surface and the ethereal solar corona, the Sun’s outer atmosphere (...) »
    The agency’s latest and most complex mission to the Red Planet has touched down at Jezero Crater. Now it’s time to begin testing the health of the rover. »
    Using observations from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, an international team of astronomers has discovered a trio of hot worlds larger than Earth. »
    Scientists have suggested a new explanation for the abundance in intermediate-mass exoplanets – a long-standing puzzle in astronomy. »
    Researchers have detected water vapor ascending to the upper atmosphere of Mars, adding further to the body of evidence that the Red Planet was once partially blue. »
    The red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 is home to the largest group of roughly Earth-size planets ever found in a single stellar system. »
    Using a combination of telescopes, astronomers have revealed a system consisting of six exoplanets, five of which are locked in a rare rhythm around their central star. »
    Astronomers have, for the first time, witnessed the death of a distant galaxy, which they describe as a "truly extreme event." »
    Scientists have discovered a huge 'super Earth' planet near one of the oldest stars in the galaxy. »
    Summer in Antarctica is marked by days in which the Sun never sets, balmy temperatures that hover as high as freezing, and electric-blue clouds of ice. »


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