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Splenic Trabecular Vein
The veins within the spleen that drain blood from the sinuses of the pulp and unite at the hilum to form the splenic vein. (NCI Thesaurus)
The arteries branching from the splenic artery within the trabeculae of the spleen.
Dense connective tissue structures composed of collagen, elastic, reticular fibers, and smooth muscle cells. They are projections from the splenic capsule into…
The largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the body. It consists of cells and vessels contained within a capsule lined by mesothelium,…
Splenic pulp seen grossly as a reddish brown substance, due to its abundance of red blood cells, consisting of splenic sinuses and…
The parenchyma of the spleen, consisting of lymphocytes and macrophages. It lies between the splenic trabecula. Red pulp is the part suffused…
Tumors or cancer of the SPLEEN.