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Stromal cells
Connective tissue cells found in virtually every organ. In bone marrow, stromal cells support blood formation.
Source: Stem Cell Information, NIH, USDHHS
Encoded by human CXCL12 Gene (Intercrine Alpha/Chemokine CXC Family), alternative alpha and beta isoforms of secreted 93-aa 11-kD (precursor) Stromal Cell-Derived Factor…
A type of cell that makes up certain types of connective tissue (supporting tissue that surrounds other tissues and organs).
A product that is made of special stem cells taken from a patient’s bone marrow and grown in the laboratory. After a…
The supporting connective tissue of an organ.
The difference in a cardiac ventricle's blood capacity taken at times of minimum and maximum blood content. This is end diastolic volume…
A stroke can cause lasting brain damage. People who survive a stroke need to relearn skills they lose because of the…