Health / Medical Topics

    Tendon Sheath Lipoma

    A benign tumor, composed of mature adipocytes, that arises within the tendon sheath. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A small, slow growing, benign neoplasm arising from the tendon sheaths. The tumor is characterized by the presence of spindle-shaped fibroblasts and…
    A sheath that envelops a tendon.
    Tough, fibrous, cord-like tissue that connects muscle to bone or another structure, such as an eyeball. Tendons help the bone or structure…
    An elongated cell with invisible cytoplasm and flattened, poorly-stained, nucleus. It is found in the tendon and is positioned in a very…
    Tendons are flexible bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. They help your muscles move your bones. Tendinitis is the…
    Discomfort elicited through touch or pressure.

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