Health / Medical Topics

    Test Facility Name

    Definition 1

    The name of the place in which a test is conducted. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    The name of the place in which a nonclinical laboratory study takes place, i.e., actually uses the test article in a test system. Testing facility includes any establishment required to register under section 510 of the act that conducts nonclinical laboratory studies and any consulting laboratory described in section 704 of the act that conducts such studies. Testing facility encompasses only those operational units that are being or have been used to conduct nonclinical laboratory studies. (Food and Drug Administration/CDISC)


    The geographic area in which a test is conducted.
    The country in which the test is conducted.
    A dosing unit equal to the amount of active ingredient(s) needed to assess or examine the (potency of the) substance being…
    The date that the test was performed.
    A user environment where a curator may explore curation techniques or illustrate options without making the work products available for general…
    A sequence of characters that represents a particular assessment.

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