Health / Medical Topics

    Testicular Cancer Clinical Distant Metastasis TNM Finding v7

    A clinical finding about one or more characteristics of testicular cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v7 classification system as they pertain to distant metastases. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Cancer that forms in tissues of one or both testicles. Testicular cancer is most common in young or middle-aged men. Most testicular…
    An uncommon usually benign neoplasm that arises from the testis. It is characterized by the presence of cysts lined by transitional…
    One of two egg-shaped glands inside the scrotum that produce sperm and male hormones. Also called testis.
    The ability of the same instrument to produce consistent results when used additional times under conditions as nearly the same as…
    The point in time when an assessment was performed.
    The geographic location of the organization that supplies experimental organisms for study.

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