Health / Medical Topics

    Testicular Leukemia

    A myeloid or more commonly lymphoid leukemia (acute or chronic) affecting the testis. Microscopically, there is interstitial infiltration of the testis by leukemic cells. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia with testicular involvement is not uncommon in boys. Sometimes (up to 10% of the cases), testicular involvement may be the initial manifestation of relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia. --03 (NCI Thesaurus)


    A testicular Sertoli cell tumor characterized by the presence of large polygonal cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm in a myxoid and hyalinized…
    A non-invasive lesion of the testis, characterized by the presence of malignant large germ cells with abundant cytoplasm in the seminiferous…
    A malignant neoplasm that arises from the testis and is characterized by the presence of large germ cells with abundant cytoplasm in…
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    Abnormal cells are found in the tiny tubules where the sperm cells begin to develop. These abnormal cells may become cancer and…
    Ischemic necrosis of the testis usually caused by torsion of the spermatic cord, trauma, or severe epididymo-orchitis.

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