Health / Medical Topics

    Testicular Seminoma

    A malignant germ cell tumor arising from the testis. It is believed that it is derived from the sexually undifferentiated embryonic gonad. Treatment with radiotherapy is highly successful when the tumor is diagnosed in localized stages, which represents the majority of presentations of seminoma. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A rare testicular Sertoli cell tumor characterized by the presence of neoplastic tubules that are surrounded by a dense fibrotic stroma. …
    A sarcoma that arises from the testis. The majority of cases arise from teratomas or spermatocytic seminomas.
    A malignant mesenchymal tumor with skeletal muscle differentiation affecting the testes.
    A germ cell tumor that arises from the testis and is characterized by the presence of one histologic component. This category…
    A rare malignant germ cell tumor that arises from the testis and is characterized by the presence of embryoid bodies.
    A rupture through the testicular tissue.

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