Health / Medical Topics

    Testicular Teratoma with Somatic-Type Malignancy

    This is a new term included in the 2003 edition of the WHO classification of testicular tumors. Previously, testicular teratomas were classified as mature, immature, and "with malignant transformation". WHO '03 reorganizes the classification into two categories: teratoma and teratoma with somatic-type malignancy (possibly "non-germ cell malignancy"). It is clear by now that teratomas (both mature and immature) in postpubertal patients can be associated with metastases. In contrast, teratomas (both mature and immature) in prepubertal patients are always benign (from the 2003 International Society of Urological Pathology companion meeting syllabus-annual meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology).--2002 (NCI Thesaurus)


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