Health / Medical Topics

    Testosterone Biosynthesis Deficiency

    Inadequate production of circulating testosterone. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Testosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase 3 (310 aa, ~35 kDa) is encoded by the human HSD17B3 gene. This protein plays a role in the reduction…
    A hormone made mainly in the testes (part of the male reproductive system). It is needed to develop and maintain male sex…
    A progesterone derivative with antineoplastic activity. Testolactone inhibits steroid aromatase, thereby preventing the formation of estrogen from adrenal androstenedione and reducing endogenous…
    A laboratory specimen consisting of the testis and epididymis.
    Testis-specific Y-encoded-like protein 2 (693 aa, ~79 kDa) is encoded by the human TSPYL2 gene. This protein is involved in the assembly…
    Likely up-regulated by androgen and expressed in spermatogonia and spermatocytes by human TSPY Gene, 308-aa 35-kDa phosphorylated cytoplasmic Testis-Specific Y-Encoded Protein may…

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