Health / Medical Topics

    Testosterone Isobutyrate

    An four-carbon ester form of Testosterone. The number of ester carbon atoms correlate with the half-life of the prodrug. Testosterone inhibits gonadotropin secretion from the pituitary gland and ablates estrogen production in the ovaries, thereby decreasing endogenous estrogen levels. In addition, this agent promotes the maintenance of male sex characteristics and is indicated for testosterone replacement in hypogonadal males. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A topical gel preparation of synthetic testosterone. In vivo, testosterone is irreversibly converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in target tissues by the enzyme…
    A temporary increase in testosterone levels in the body caused by certain types of hormone therapy used to treat prostate cancer. A…
    Abnormally high level of testosterone.
    A long-acting intramuscular form of the androgen testosterone. Testosterone inhibits gonadotropin secretion from the pituitary gland and ablates estrogen production in the…
    An eight-carbon ester form of Testosterone. The number of ester carbon atoms correlate with the half-life of the prodrug. Testosterone inhibits…
    Inadequate production of circulating testosterone.

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