Health / Medical Topics

    TET1 Gene

    This gene is involved in the regulation of DNA methylation. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A topical cream containing a synthetic form of the endogenous androgenic steroid testosterone. Upon vaginal application, testosterone is irreversibly converted to dihydrotestosterone…
    The undecanoate ester form of the androgen testosterone, with gonadotropin-secretory inhibiting and hormone replacement activity. As testosterone inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins…
    Testosterone Secretion Induction consists of initiation of activities involved in release into the bloodstream by testicular interstitial (Leydig's) cells of the major…
    Testosterone Secretion Inhibition consists of interference with, or restraint of, activities involved in release into the bloodstream by testicular interstitial (Leydig's) cells…
    A short acting oil-based injectable formulation of testosterone. Testosterone inhibits gonadotropin secretion from the pituitary gland and ablates estrogen production in…
    The determination of the amount of testosterone present in a sample.

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