Health / Medical Topics

    Third Stage of Labor

    A stage during labor and childbirth that starts with the birth of the baby and ends with the delivery of the placenta. (NCI Thesaurus)


    In an individual with a right-dominant heart, this is the third branch that arises from the right coronary artery distal to the…
    In an individual with a left-dominant heart, this is the third branch that arises from the circumflex artery atrioventricular groove continuation when…
    The horizontal portion of the duodenum between the inferior duodenal flexure and the aorta.
    An outside party delegated to submit regulatory information.
    An organization that pays or insures healthcare expenses on behalf of beneficiaries or recipients. An individual pays a premium for such coverage…
    The third artery arising from the left circumflex artery that supplies the lateral wall, when counted from proximal to distal. …

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