Health / Medical Topics


    A natural number greater than twenty-nine and less than thirty-one and the quantity that it denotes. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A natural number greater than 12 and less than 14 and the quantity that it denotes.
    Treatment that is given when both initial treatment (first-line therapy) and subsequent treatment (second-line therapy) don’t work, or stop working.
    An injury that includes all skin layers into the subcutaneous tissue due to chemical, friction, radiation or thermal exposure. The affected area…
    Colloid cysts i.e. cysts filled with gelatinous material, in the central nervous system often are found in the third ventricle. Due to…
    A centrally placed component of the ventricular system of the brain located in the diencephalon. Cerebrospinal fluid from the lateral ventricles flows…
    The period of gestation that ranges from the 28th week of pregnancy until delivery.

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