Health / Medical Topics


    A propanolamine derivative and a non-selective beta-adrenergic antagonist with antihypertensive property. Timolol competitively binds to beta-1-adrenergic receptors in the heart and vascular smooth muscle and beta-2-receptors in the bronchial and vascular smooth muscle, resulting in a decrease in beta-adrenergic stimulation. Beta-1-receptor blockade results in a decrease in resting and exercise heart rate and cardiac output, a decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and, possibly, a reduction in reflex orthostatic hypotension. Beta-2-blockade results in an increase in peripheral vascular resistance. The ultimate results include vasodilation, and negative chronotropic and inotropic cardiac effects. In addition, timolol reduces intra-ocular pressure possibly by decreasing aqueous humor production by reduction of blood flow to the ciliary processes and cAMP synthesis. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The chronological relationship between when an observation is made and other relevant associated periods of time. For example, the timing axis…
    The chronological relationship between temporal events.
    A variation of the Date datatype that's useful for storing very precise datetime values, down to small fractions of seconds. The Timestamp…
    The period of time between two dates or events or between the beginning and end of something.
    A device designed to measure a time interval.
    A specific point in the time continuum, including those established relative to an event.

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