Health / Medical Topics


    A sulfonamide derivative with hypoglycemic activity. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A first-generation cyclopentyl-containing sulfonylurea with hypoglycemic activity. Tolpentamide was never marketed.
    A disorder characterized by unilateral acute orbital pain associated with muscle weakness or paralysis of the orbital muscles. It is caused by…
    An indazole carboxylic acid derivative with antispermatogenic and potential antineoplastic activity. As a male contraceptive, tolnidamine may irreversibly inhibit sperm production. This…
    A thiocarbamate derivative with either fungicidal or fungistatic property. Tolnaftate is a selective, reversible and non-competitive inhibitor of membrane-bound squalene-2,3- epoxidase, an…
    A synthetic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent with pyrrole structure, analgesic and antipyretic Tolmetin has a mode of action similar to indomethacin, but is…
    Tolloid-like protein 1 (1013 aa, ~115 kDa) is encoded by the human TLL1 gene. This protein plays a role in both collagen…

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