Health / Medical Topics

    Tracheal Stenosis

    Definition 1

    Narrowing of the lumen of the trachea. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A disorder characterized by a narrowing of the trachea. (NCI Thesaurus/CTCAE)


    A rare squamous cell carcinoma that arises from the mucosal lining of the trachea. It usually grows as an intraluminal mass…
    A device component of an endotracheal tube (ET) assembly designed to provide a tight fit for the ET tube to the tracheal…
    Blockage of the lumen of the trachea. Causes include secretions, foreign bodies, and tumors.
    A benign or malignant neoplasm that affects the trachea. Representative examples include tracheal leiomyoma and tracheal carcinoma.
    An inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the trachea.
    A benign smooth muscle neoplasm arising from the trachea. It is characterized by the presence of spindle cells with cigar-shaped nuclei, interlacing…

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