Health / Medical Topics

    Transperineal template-guided prostate mapping biopsy


    A procedure being studied in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and in planning prostate cancer treatment. Ultrasound is used to create a map of the prostate so the whole prostate gland can be seen in three dimensions and divided into 24 areas. Needles are then inserted through a template into each of the 24 areas and tissue is removed to be checked under a microscope. Also called TTMB. (NCI Dictionary)


    A procedure in which a sample of tissue is removed from the prostate for examination under a microscope. The sample is removed…
    Allowing the passage of light such that images can be seen through with clarity.
    Surgery in which a robot with arms is used to remove cancer from hard-to-reach areas of the mouth and throat. Cameras…
    An endoscopic laser microsurgical laryngeal procedure for patients with early glottis tumors.
    A minimally invasive procedure in which a surgeon performs tumor resection through the mouth using a microscope for visualization and a CO2…
    Passing through the wall of an organ or other bodily structure.

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