Health / Medical Topics

    Treatment Effectiveness

    The measure of the ability of an intervention to produce the desired beneficial clinical effect in average conditions of application, usually determined in non-randomized outcome studies. Treatment effectiveness could be affected by lack of efficacy and/or patient compliance. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The date that the study treatment was dispensed.
    In medicine, a course of treatment that is repeated on a regular schedule with periods of rest in between. For example, treatment…
    A question about whether an individual feels the cost of treatment is or was a burden to them or their family. …
    Indicates that the patient was fully compliant with the full course of treatment.
    Agreement for treatment by a primary participant or recipient who is unable to legally consent to treatment; applies to minor children and…
    An action or administration of therapeutic agents to produce an effect that is intended to alter the course of a pathologic…

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