Health / Medical Topics

    Treatment summary


    A detailed summary of a patient’s disease, the type of treatment the patient received, and any side effects or other problems caused by treatment. It usually includes results of laboratory tests (such as pathology reports and biomarker tests) and imaging tests (such as x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs), and whether a patient took part in a clinical trial. A treatment summary may be used to help plan follow-up care after treatment for a disease, such as cancer. (NCI Dictionary)


    A type of study protocol designed to evaluate intervention(s) for disease treatment.
    A specific stage of progression through a sequential treatment protocol.
    A step-by-step plan of the treatment that a patient is going to receive. A treatment schedule includes the type of treatment that…
    A 9 question subset of the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication that omits the five items of the side effects domain. …
    The date that the study treatment was returned.
    A treatment plan that specifies the dosage, the schedule, and the duration of treatment.

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