Health / Medical Topics


    An orally bioavailable oxazaphosphorine prodrug with antineoplastic activity. Trofosfamide (TFF) is metabolized predominantly to the cyclophosphamide analogue ifosfamide (IFO), which is then metabolized by liver cytochrome P450s to the active isophosphoramide mustard (IPM). IPM alkylates DNA to form DNA-DNA cross-links, which may result in inhibition of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, and ultimately lead to tumor cell apoptosis. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A non-neoplastic or neoplastic disorder affecting the trochlear nerve (IVth cranial nerve).
    The cranial nerve that controls the superior oblique muscle of the eye.
    A dosing unit equal to the amount of active ingredient(s) contained in a troche.
    A solid discoid composed of active and/or inert ingredient(s) in a suitably flavored base, that dissolves when sucked in the mouth. …
    A bony protrusion on the femoral bone to which muscles are attached.
    A sharp, pointed rod designed to pierce the wall of a body cavity to withdraw fluid or allow placement of a catheter…

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