Health / Medical Topics

    Type II cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase

    Highly expressed in brain, lung, prostate, thymus, and intestinal mucosa by human PRKG2 Gene (cGMP Ser/Thr Kinase Family), 762-aa 87-kDa Type II cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase is a physiologic mediator of cGMP and contains 2 cyclic nucleotide-binding domains. Type I and II cGMP-dependent protein kinases are encoded by distinct genes. Human cGKII is 96% identical to mouse and rat cGKII. Though not well understood, cGKII function may mediate intestinal secretion of water and electrolytes. NO and diverse hormones, drugs, and toxins increase intracellular cGMP to activate receptors that regulate a variety of functions, including smooth muscle relaxation, neuronal excitability, and epithelial electrolyte transport. (NCI Thesaurus)


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