Health / Medical Topics

    Type II Hair Cell

    Mechanoreceptors in the organ of Corti. In mammals the outer hair cells are arranged in three rows which are further from the modiolus than the single row of inner hair cells. The motile properties of the outer hair cells may contribute actively to tuning the sensitivity and frequency selectivity of the cochlea. (NLM, Medical Subject Headings)


    A light cell found in taste buds that has large amorphous areas of cytoplasmic matrix, scarce ribosomes and RER. Most are alpha-gustducin…
    A classification of primary endometrial adenocarcinomas that refers to clear cell adenocarcinoma, serous adenocarcinoma, and serous endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma.
    Insulin resistance is strongly associated with type II diabetes. "Diabetogenic" factors including FFA, TNFalpha and cellular stress induce insulin resistance through inhibition…
    The determination of the amount of the type II collagen N-telopeptide present in a sample.
    The determination of the amount of the type II collagen C-telopeptide present in a sample.
    Highly expressed in brain, lung, prostate, thymus, and intestinal mucosa by human PRKG2 Gene (cGMP Ser/Thr Kinase Family), 762-aa 87-kDa Type II…

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