Health / Medical Topics

    Type Of Drug Interaction Consequence

    A category of results of drug adverse reaction or drug interaction. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Generic category of medical device within the device classification established by FDA. It is used as part of regulatory product submission…
    Identification and clinical investigation of disease contacts.
    Total anomalous pulmonary venous return in which the right and left pulmonary arteries drain into different sites.
    Total anomalous pulmonary venous return in which the common pulmonary vein connects to the portal venous system through the diaphragm.
    Type III procollagen N-terminal peptide (130 aa, ~13 kDa) is encoded by the human COL3A1 gene. This protein is produced by the…
    A pleuropulmonary blastoma characterized by a solid pattern and sarcomatous features. It usually follows an aggressive clinical course.

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