Health / Medical Topics

    Unintended Film Cartridge Ejection Medical Device Problem

    Issue associated with unexpected discharge of device from expected location - includes but not limited to devices such as clip appliers, film cartridge, staples. (Food and Drug Administration)


    Issue associated with device or device components impacting with another object.
    Uninsured Medical Expense; payment for the uninsured portion of regular medical expenses, such as co-payments, deductibles, and uncovered expenses. Uninsured medical expense…
    A hematologic test result indicating dysplastic changes in only one of the myeloid cell lineages in the bone marrow.
    Surgery to remove the ovary and fallopian tube on one side of the body.
    A retinoblastoma that only involves a single eye.
    A congenital abnormality characterized by the absence of one kidney.

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