Health / Medical Topics


    Definition 1

    A genus of irregularly shaped bacterium that do not contain a cell well in the phylum Tenericutes and the family Mycoplasmataceae. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species level but can be assigned to the Ureaplasma genus level. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


    A substance being studied in the treatment of hand-foot syndrome (a condition caused by chemotherapy and marked by tingling, numbness, and red,…
    The determination of the ratio of urea to creatinine present in a sample. The measurement may be expressed as a ratio or…
    Nitrogen in the blood that comes from urea (a substance formed by the breakdown of protein in the liver). The kidneys filter…
    A quantitative measurement of the amount of urea present in a sample.
    A radiolabelled urea molecule used to diagnose stomach ulcers caused by Heliobacter pylori. In the presence of H. pylori, urea C-14 is…
    A radiolabelled urea molecule used to diagnose stomach ulcers caused by Heliobacter pylori. In the presence of H. pylori, urea C-13 is…

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