Health / Medical Topics

    van der Waals Attraction

    The weak attraction between two or more chemical entities that is caused by the polarization of adjacent atoms or molecules. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Human VAMP1 wild-type allele is located within 12p and is approximately 9 kb in length. This allele, which encodes vesicle-associated membrane protein…
    This gene is involved in neurotransmitter secretion.
    An abbreviation for a chemotherapy combination used with radiation therapy to treat low-risk childhood Hodgkin lymphoma. It includes the drugs vincristine sulfate,…
    An abbreviation for a chemotherapy combination used with radiation therapy to treat low-risk childhood Hodgkin lymphoma. It includes the drugs vincristine sulfate,…
    Narrowing of the opening of one or more of the four valves of the heart.
    Regurgitation of the blood of the heart valves owning to imperfect closing, insufficiency or incompetency of the valves.

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