Health / Medical Topics

    Vascular Breast Neoplasm

    A benign or malignant vascular neoplasm that arises from the breast. This category includes hemangioma, angiomatosis, and angiosarcoma. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Failure to achieve vascular access due to damage of the graft that was created for this purpose.
    A procedure that involves the insertion of a catheter in a blood vessel. It is used in patients who require prolonged treatments…
    Complications related to damage at the vascular access site. Examples include bleeding, formation of hematoma, aneurysm, pseudoaneurysm, or arteriovenous fistula, development of…
    Relating to or containing blood vessels.
    Umbilical blood vessels that have inserted into the amniotic membrane (membranous insertion) that in turn are above or adjacent to the cervical…
    Narrowing of the lumen of the vas deferens.

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