Health / Medical Topics



    A drug used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in patients who have already received other treatment. It is used in patients whose cancer has a change in chromosome 17. It is also being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer. Venetoclax binds to a protein called BCL2, which may be found on some types of leukemia cells. Blocking this protein may help kill cancer cells and may make them more sensitive to other anticancer drugs. Venetoclax is a type of BCL2 inhibitor. Also called Venclexta. (NCI Dictionary)


    A person or agency that promotes or exchanges goods or services for money; a seller.
    A drug used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in patients who have already received other treatment. It is used in patients…
    A type of X-ray in which contrast medium is injected into a vein to show the details of the structure of the…
    The layer of cells that line the lumen of the vena cava.
    A large vein which returns blood from the head, neck and extremities to the heart.
    A drug used to treat advanced melanoma that has a mutated (changed) form of a cell protein called BRAF. It is…

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