Health / Medical Topics |
Definition 1
In medicine, a very simple microorganism that infects cells and may cause disease. Because viruses can multiply only inside infected cells, they are not considered to be alive. (NCI Dictionary)
Definition 2
An infectious agent which consists of two parts, genetic material and a protein coat. These organisms lack independent metabolism, and they must infect the cells of other types of organisms to reproduce. Most viruses are capable of passing through fine filters that retain bacteria, and are not visible through a light microscope. (NCI Thesaurus)
A substance that activates some types of immune system cells, and is being studied as a treatment for cancer. It belongs to…
Refers to the ability of a virus or a bacterium to cause damage to its host.
The ability of a microorganism to cause damage to its host.
An artificial environment generated by a computer that simulates the actual (real) world. Users can control VR programs through sensory loaded…
The use of 3D CT or MRI scans to construct a simulated visualization of patient specific organs similar or equivalent to those…
A method to examine the inside of the colon by taking a series of x-rays. A computer is used to make…