Health / Medical Topics

    Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel-1

    Expressed in heart, liver, and skeletal muscle by human VDAC1 Gene (Mitochondrial Porin Family), ubiquitous 282-aa 31-kDa Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel-1 protein consists mainly of membrane-spanning beta-sheets that form a channel in the mitochondrial outer membrane and plasma membrane that adopts transmembrane voltage-dependent open/closed conformations and allows diffusion of small hydrophilic molecules. In response to apoptotic signal transduction, BCL2 proteins regulate cell death by controlling mitochondrial membrane permeability during apoptosis; BCLXL binds to and closes VDAC. Proapoptotic BAX and BAK accelerate VDAC opening, allowing cytochrome C to pass through VDAC, which activates death-driving proteolytic caspases. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC) is a small, abundant pore-forming eukaryotic protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane thought to form the major…
    The Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC) is a small, abundant pore-forming eukaryotic protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane thought to form the major…
    The rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a flow of electricity in a circuit; expressed in…
    A SI derived rate unit equal to one volt per unit of time equal to one second.
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