Health / Medical Topics

    Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel-2

    Encoded as 4 isoforms by human VDAC2 Gene (Mitochondrial Porin Family), Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel-2 protein consists mainly of membrane-spanning beta-sheets that form a channel in the outer mitochondrial membrane that adopts transmembrane voltage-dependent open/closed conformations and allows diffusion of small hydrophilic molecules. VDAC2 interacts specifically with inactive BAK, preventing BAK activation and inhibiting the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Apoptotic signals activate BH3-molecules such as tBID, BIM, or BAD, which displace VDAC2 from BAK, enabling BAK homooligomerization and apoptosis. VDAC2 is also the mitochondrial binding site of metabolic enzymes hexokinase and glycerol kinase. (NCI Thesaurus)


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