Library / English Dictionary


    Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

     I. (noun) 

    Sense 1


    The day on which George Washington is rememberedplay


    February 22; Washington's Birthday

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting time and temporal relations

    Hypernyms ("Washington's Birthday" is a kind of...):

    day (a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance)

    Domain region:

    America; the States; U.S.; U.S.A.; United States; United States of America; US; USA (North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776)

    Holonyms ("Washington's Birthday" is a part of...):

    Feb; February (the month following January and preceding March)


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