Health / Medical Topics

    Your Health State Today

    A question asking an individual about how good or bad they rate their own health today. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A standardized rating scale developed by R. C. Young and colleagues in 1978 to assess the severity of an individual's mania. This…
    An indefinite term describing a person who has reached sexual maturity but whose character and personality are still developing. In psychology this…
    A prefix indicating a quantity of one septillion, 10E24.
    An alkylsulfonate. Yoshi-864 alkylates and crosslinks DNA, thereby inhibiting DNA replication.
    The Yorkshire Terrier has an ultra long, fine coat. It has a flat head, medium-sized length muzzle and v-shaped, erect or semi-erect…
    Yorkie homolog (504 aa, ~54 kDa) is encoded by the human YAP1 gene. This protein plays a role in the modulation of…

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