Health / Medical Topics

    Yttrium Y 90 Monoclonal Antibody MN-14

    A radioimmunotherapeutic monoclonal antibody (MN-14) directed against tumor-associated carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and chelated to the radioisotope yttrium-90 (Y 90). Yttrium 90 monoclonal antibody MN-14 binds to tumor cell expressing CEA, delivering a cytotoxic dose of beta radiation. (NCI Thesaurus)


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    A radioimmunoconjugate of monoclonal antibody (MoAb) B3 conjugated with isotope yttrium 90. MoAb B3 is a murine MoAb that recognizes a Lewis…
    A drug used with the drug rituximab to treat certain types of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is also being studied in the…
    An injectable formulation of yttrium Y 90 consisting of glass microspheres containing the radioisotope yttrium Y 90. When injected into the…
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