Health / Medical Topics


    Carotenoid having a chemical structure similar to beta-carotene with addition of hydroxyl groups at the number 3 and 3' carbon atoms. (NCI Thesaurus/CRCH)


    A drug used to treat prostate cancer and to relieve the symptoms of advanced breast cancer. It is also used to treat…
    A drug used to treat medullary thyroid cancer that has spread to other parts of the body and cannot be treated…
    A substance that has been studied in the treatment of several types of cancer. ZD6126 destroys blood vessels in tumors and may…
    A substance that is being studied in the treatment of prostate cancer. It belongs to the family of drugs called endothelin-receptor…
    A phenol mustard glutamate prodrug which induces apoptosis by cross-linking DNA and with potential use in Antibody Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy…
    A drug that is used to treat certain types of non-small cell lung cancer and is being studied in the treatment of…

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