Health / Medical Topics

    ZEB2 Gene

    This gene is involved in regulation of transcription. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Human ZEB1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 10p11.2 and is approximately 214 kb in length. This allele, which encodes…
    This gene is involved in the transcriptional repression of interleukin 2.
    Carotenoid having a chemical structure similar to beta-carotene with addition of hydroxyl groups at the number 3 and 3' carbon atoms. …
    A drug used to treat prostate cancer and to relieve the symptoms of advanced breast cancer. It is also used to treat…
    A drug used to treat medullary thyroid cancer that has spread to other parts of the body and cannot be treated…
    A substance that has been studied in the treatment of several types of cancer. ZD6126 destroys blood vessels in tumors and may…

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