Health / Medical Topics

    Zinc-Binding, DNA-Binding Motif

    Zinc-binding, DNA-binding motifs in proteins contain amino acids that are folded into a single DNA-binding structural unit around a zinc atom. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A fixative solution which contains zinc salts.
    Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein (298 aa, ~34 kDa) is encoded by the human AZGP1 gene. This protein plays a role in the regulation of lipid…
    A natural or synthetic fungistatic fatty acid, antifungal Zinc Undecylenate is used topically in creams against fungal infections, eczemas, ringworm, and other…
    A substance required for cell growth and tissue repair. It is being studied as a way to prevent or decrease mucositis caused…
    Zinc phosphodiesterase ELAC protein 2 (826 aa, ~92 kDa) is encoded by the human ELAC2 gene. This protein plays a role in…
    A paste containing multiple skin protectants with anti-oxidant, skin protecting, moisturizing, anti-erythema and anti-inflammatory activities. The paste includes zinc oxide, aluminum starch…

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