Health / Medical Topics

    Zingiber officinale

    The common cooking ginger, an herbaceous perennial with upright stems and narrow medium green leaves arranged in two ranks on each stem. Ginger grows from an aromatic tuberlike rhizome (underground stem) which is warty and branched. Ginger root is widely used around the world as a spice or food additive. It has been used in Asia for thousands of years for relief from arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, muscular aches and pains, catarrh, congestion, coughs, sinusitis, sore throats, diarrhea, colic, cramps, indigestion, loss of appetite, motion sickness, fever, flu, chills, and infectious disease. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A drug used to reduce heart damage in women given doxorubicin for breast cancer that has spread. It is also being studied…
    Zinc finger protein RFP (513 aa, ~58 kDa) is encoded by the human TRIM27 gene. This protein is involved in the modulation…
    Zinc-binding, DNA-binding motifs in proteins contain amino acids that are folded into a single DNA-binding structural unit around a zinc atom. …
    A fixative solution which contains zinc salts.
    Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein (298 aa, ~34 kDa) is encoded by the human AZGP1 gene. This protein plays a role in the regulation of lipid…
    A natural or synthetic fungistatic fatty acid, antifungal Zinc Undecylenate is used topically in creams against fungal infections, eczemas, ringworm, and other…

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