A World of Knowledge
    Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Majjhima Nikāya, English translation

    मज्झिम निकाय १४३

    Majjhima Nikāya 143

    The Middle-Length Suttas Collection 143



    Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika

    एवं मे सुतं—एकं समयं भगवा सावत्थियं विहरति जेतवने अनाथपिण्डिकस्स आरामे।

    Evaṁ me sutaṁ—ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.

    So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

    तेन खो पन समयेन अनाथपिण्डिको गहपति आबाधिको होति दुक्खितो बाळ्हगिलानो। अथ खो अनाथपिण्डिको गहपति अञ्ञतरं पुरिसं आमन्तेसि: “एहि त्वं, अम्भो पुरिस, येन भगवा तेनुपसङ्कम; उपसङ्कमित्वा मम वचनेन भगवतो पादे सिरसा वन्दाहि: ‘अनाथपिण्डिको, भन्ते, गहपति आबाधिको दुक्खितो बाळ्हगिलानो। सो भगवतो पादे सिरसा वन्दतीऽति। येन चायस्मा सारिपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कम; उपसङ्कमित्वा मम वचनेन आयस्मतो सारिपुत्तस्स पादे सिरसा वन्दाहि: ‘अनाथपिण्डिको, भन्ते, गहपति आबाधिको दुक्खितो बाळ्हगिलानो। सो आयस्मतो सारिपुत्तस्स पादे सिरसा वन्दतीऽति। एवञ्च वदेहि: ‘साधु किर, भन्ते, आयस्मा सारिपुत्तो येन अनाथपिण्डिकस्स गहपतिस्स निवेसनं तेनुपसङ्कमतु अनुकम्पं उपादायाऽ”ति।

    Tena kho pana samayena anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati ābādhiko hoti dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati aññataraṁ purisaṁ āmantesi: “ehi tvaṁ, ambho purisa, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkama; upasaṅkamitvā mama vacanena bhagavato pāde sirasā vandāhi: ‘anāthapiṇḍiko, bhante, gahapati ābādhiko dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. So bhagavato pāde sirasā vandatī’ti. Yena cāyasmā sāriputto tenupasaṅkama; upasaṅkamitvā mama vacanena āyasmato sāriputtassa pāde sirasā vandāhi: ‘anāthapiṇḍiko, bhante, gahapati ābādhiko dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. So āyasmato sāriputtassa pāde sirasā vandatī’ti. Evañca vadehi: ‘sādhu kira, bhante, āyasmā sāriputto yena anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkamatu anukampaṁ upādāyā’”ti.

    Now at that time the householder Anāthapiṇḍika was sick, suffering, gravely ill. Then he addressed a man, “Please, mister, go to the Buddha, and in my name bow with your head to his feet. Say to him: ‘Sir, the householder Anāthapiṇḍika is sick, suffering, gravely ill. He bows with his head to your feet.’ Then go to Venerable Sāriputta, and in my name bow with your head to his feet. Say to him: ‘Sir, the householder Anāthapiṇḍika is sick, suffering, gravely ill. He bows with his head to your feet.’ And then say: ‘Sir, please visit him at his home out of compassion.’”

    “एवं, भन्ते”ति खो सो पुरिसो अनाथपिण्डिकस्स गहपतिस्स पटिस्सुत्वा येन भगवा तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा एकमन्तं निसीदि। एकमन्तं निसिन्नो खो सो पुरिसो भगवन्तं एतदवोच: “अनाथपिण्डिको, भन्ते, गहपति आबाधिको दुक्खितो बाळ्हगिलानो। सो भगवतो पादे सिरसा वन्दती”ति। येन चायस्मा सारिपुत्तो तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा आयस्मन्तं सारिपुत्तं अभिवादेत्वा एकमन्तं निसीदि। एकमन्तं निसिन्नो खो सो पुरिसो आयस्मन्तं सारिपुत्तं एतदवोच: “अनाथपिण्डिको, भन्ते, गहपति आबाधिको दुक्खितो बाळ्हगिलानो। सो आयस्मतो सारिपुत्तस्स पादे सिरसा वन्दति; एवञ्च वदेति: ‘साधु किर, भन्ते, आयस्मा सारिपुत्तो येन अनाथपिण्डिकस्स गहपतिस्स निवेसनं तेनुपसङ्कमतु अनुकम्पं उपादायाऽ”ति। अधिवासेसि खो आयस्मा सारिपुत्तो तुण्हीभावेन।

    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho so puriso anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa paṭissutvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho so puriso bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “anāthapiṇḍiko, bhante, gahapati ābādhiko dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. So bhagavato pāde sirasā vandatī”ti. Yena cāyasmā sāriputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho so puriso āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ etadavoca: “anāthapiṇḍiko, bhante, gahapati ābādhiko dukkhito bāḷhagilāno. So āyasmato sāriputtassa pāde sirasā vandati; evañca vadeti: ‘sādhu kira, bhante, āyasmā sāriputto yena anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkamatu anukampaṁ upādāyā’”ti. Adhivāsesi kho āyasmā sāriputto tuṇhībhāvena.

    “Yes, sir,” that man replied. He did as Anāthapiṇḍika asked. Sāriputta consented with silence.

    अथ खो आयस्मा सारिपुत्तो निवासेत्वा पत्तचीवरमादाय आयस्मता आनन्देन पच्छासमणेन येन अनाथपिण्डिकस्स गहपतिस्स निवेसनं तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा पञ्ञत्ते आसने निसीदि। निसज्ज खो आयस्मा सारिपुत्तो अनाथपिण्डिकं गहपतिं एतदवोच: “कच्चि ते, गहपति, खमनीयं, कच्चि यापनीयं? कच्चि ते दुक्खा वेदना पटिक्कमन्ति, नो अभिक्कमन्ति; पटिक्कमोसानं पञ्ञायति, नो अभिक्कमो”ति?

    Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya āyasmatā ānandena pacchāsamaṇena yena anāthapiṇḍikassa gahapatissa nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi. Nisajja kho āyasmā sāriputto anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ etadavoca: “kacci te, gahapati, khamanīyaṁ, kacci yāpanīyaṁ? Kacci te dukkhā vedanā paṭikkamanti, no abhikkamanti; paṭikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no abhikkamo”ti?

    Then Venerable Sāriputta robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went with Venerable Ānanda as his second monk to Anāthapiṇḍika’s home. He sat down on the seat spread out, and said to Anāthapiṇḍika, “I hope you’re keeping well, householder; I hope you’re alright. And I hope the pain is fading, not growing, that its fading is evident, not its growing.”

    “न मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, खमनीयं न यापनीयं। बाळ्हा मे दुक्खा वेदना अभिक्कमन्ति, नो पटिक्कमन्ति; अभिक्कमोसानं पञ्ञायति, नो पटिक्कमो। सेय्यथापि, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, बलवा पुरिसो तिण्हेन सिखरेन मुद्धनि अभिमत्थेय्य; एवमेव खो मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, अधिमत्ता वाता मुद्धनि ऊहनन्ति। न मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, खमनीयं न यापनीयं। बाळ्हा मे दुक्खा वेदना अभिक्कमन्ति, नो पटिक्कमन्ति; अभिक्कमोसानं पञ्ञायति, नो पटिक्कमो। सेय्यथापि, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, बलवा पुरिसो दळ्हेन वरत्तखण्डेन सीसे सीसवेठं ददेय्य; एवमेव खो मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, अधिमत्ता सीसे सीसवेदना। न मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, खमनीयं न यापनीयं। बाळ्हा मे दुक्खा वेदना अभिक्कमन्ति, नो पटिक्कमन्ति; अभिक्कमोसानं पञ्ञायति, नो पटिक्कमो। सेय्यथापि, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, दक्खो गोघातको वा गोघातकन्तेवासी वा तिण्हेन गोविकन्तनेन कुच्छिं परिकन्तेय्य; एवमेव खो मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, अधिमत्ता वाता कुच्छिं परिकन्तन्ति। न मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, खमनीयं न यापनीयं। बाळ्हा मे दुक्खा वेदना अभिक्कमन्ति, नो पटिक्कमन्ति; अभिक्कमोसानं पञ्ञायति, नो पटिक्कमो। सेय्यथापि, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, द्वे बलवन्तो पुरिसा दुब्बलतरं पुरिसं नानाबाहासु गहेत्वा अङ्गारकासुया सन्तापेय्युं, सम्परितापेय्युं; एवमेव खो मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, अधिमत्तो कायस्मिं डाहो। न मे, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, खमनीयं न यापनीयं। बाळ्हा मे दुक्खा वेदना अभिक्कमन्ति, नो पटिक्कमन्ति; अभिक्कमोसानं पञ्ञायति, नो पटिक्कमो”ति।

    “Na me, bhante sāriputta, khamanīyaṁ na yāpanīyaṁ. Bāḷhā me dukkhā vedanā abhikkamanti, no paṭikkamanti; abhikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no paṭikkamo. Seyyathāpi, bhante sāriputta, balavā puriso tiṇhena sikharena muddhani1 abhimattheyya; evameva kho me, bhante sāriputta, adhimattā vātā muddhani ūhananti. Na me, bhante sāriputta, khamanīyaṁ na yāpanīyaṁ. Bāḷhā me dukkhā vedanā abhikkamanti, no paṭikkamanti; abhikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no paṭikkamo. Seyyathāpi, bhante sāriputta, balavā puriso daḷhena varattakhaṇḍena sīse sīsaveṭhaṁ dadeyya; evameva kho me, bhante sāriputta, adhimattā sīse sīsavedanā. Na me, bhante sāriputta, khamanīyaṁ na yāpanīyaṁ. Bāḷhā me dukkhā vedanā abhikkamanti, no paṭikkamanti; abhikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no paṭikkamo. Seyyathāpi, bhante sāriputta, dakkho goghātako vā goghātakantevāsī vā tiṇhena govikantanena kucchiṁ parikanteyya; evameva kho me, bhante sāriputta, adhimattā vātā kucchiṁ parikantanti. Na me, bhante sāriputta, khamanīyaṁ na yāpanīyaṁ. Bāḷhā me dukkhā vedanā abhikkamanti, no paṭikkamanti; abhikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no paṭikkamo. Seyyathāpi, bhante sāriputta, dve balavanto purisā dubbalataraṁ purisaṁ nānābāhāsu gahetvā aṅgārakāsuyā santāpeyyuṁ, samparitāpeyyuṁ; evameva kho me, bhante sāriputta, adhimatto kāyasmiṁ ḍāho. Na me, bhante sāriputta, khamanīyaṁ na yāpanīyaṁ. Bāḷhā me dukkhā vedanā abhikkamanti, no paṭikkamanti; abhikkamosānaṁ paññāyati, no paṭikkamo”ti.

    “I’m not keeping well, Honorable Sāriputta, I’m not alright. The pain is terrible and growing, not fading, its growing, not its fading, is evident. The winds piercing my head are so severe, it feels like a strong man drilling into my head with a sharp point. The pain in my head is so severe, it feels like a strong man tightening a tough leather strap around my head. The winds slicing my belly are so severe, like a deft butcher or their apprentice were slicing open a cows’s belly with a meat cleaver. The burning in my body is so severe, it feels like two strong men grabbing a weaker man by the arms to burn and scorch him on a pit of glowing coals. That’s how severe the burning is in my body. I’m not keeping well, Honorable Sāriputta, I’m not alright. The pain is terrible and growing, not fading, its growing, not its fading, is evident.”

    “तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न चक्खुं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे चक्खुनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    “Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na cakkhuṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me cakkhunissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    “That’s why, householder, you should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp the eye, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the eye.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न सोतं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे सोतनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na sotaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me sotanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp the ear, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the ear.’ …

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न घानं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे घाननिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na ghānaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me ghānanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    ‘I shall not grasp the nose, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the nose.’ …

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न जिव्हं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे जिव्हानिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na jivhaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me jivhānissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    ‘I shall not grasp the tongue, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the tongue.’ …

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न कायं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे कायनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na kāyaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me kāyanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    ‘I shall not grasp the body, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the body.’ …

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न मनं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे मनोनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na manaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me manonissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    ‘I shall not grasp the mind, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the mind.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न रूपं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे रूपनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न सद्दं उपादियिस्सामि …पे… न गन्धं उपादियिस्सामि … न रसं उपादियिस्सामि … न फोट्ठब्बं उपादियिस्सामि … न धम्मं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे धम्मनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na rūpaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me rūpanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na saddaṁ upādiyissāmi …pe… na gandhaṁ upādiyissāmi … na rasaṁ upādiyissāmi … na phoṭṭhabbaṁ upādiyissāmi … na dhammaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me dhammanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp sight, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on sight.’ … ‘I shall not grasp sound … smell … taste … touch … thought, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on thought.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न चक्खुविञ्ञाणं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे चक्खुविञ्ञाणनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न सोतविञ्ञाणं उपादियिस्सामि … न घानविञ्ञाणं उपादियिस्सामि … न जिव्हाविञ्ञाणं उपादियिस्सामि … न कायविञ्ञाणं उपादियिस्सामि … न मनोविञ्ञाणं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे मनोविञ्ञाणनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na cakkhuviññāṇaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me cakkhuviññāṇanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na sotaviññāṇaṁ upādiyissāmi … na ghānaviññāṇaṁ upādiyissāmi … na jivhāviññāṇaṁ upādiyissāmi … na kāyaviññāṇaṁ upādiyissāmi … na manoviññāṇaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me manoviññāṇanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp eye consciousness, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on eye consciousness.’ … ‘I shall not grasp ear consciousness … nose consciousness … tongue consciousness … body consciousness … mind consciousness, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on mind consciousness.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न चक्खुसम्फस्सं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे चक्खुसम्फस्सनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न सोतसम्फस्सं उपादियिस्सामि … न घानसम्फस्सं उपादियिस्सामि … न जिव्हासम्फस्सं उपादियिस्सामि … न कायसम्फस्सं उपादियिस्सामि … न मनोसम्फस्सं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे मनोसम्फस्सनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na cakkhusamphassaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me cakkhusamphassanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na sotasamphassaṁ upādiyissāmi … na ghānasamphassaṁ upādiyissāmi … na jivhāsamphassaṁ upādiyissāmi … na kāyasamphassaṁ upādiyissāmi … na manosamphassaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me manosamphassanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp eye contact … ear contact … nose contact … tongue contact … body contact … mind contact, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on mind contact.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न चक्खुसम्फस्सजं वेदनं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे चक्खुसम्फस्सजावेदनानिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न सोतसम्फस्सजं वेदनं उपादियिस्सामि … न घानसम्फस्सजं वेदनं उपादियिस्सामि … न जिव्हासम्फस्सजं वेदनं उपादियिस्सामि … न कायसम्फस्सजं वेदनं उपादियिस्सामि … न मनोसम्फस्सजं वेदनं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे मनोसम्फस्सजावेदनानिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na cakkhusamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me cakkhusamphassajāvedanānissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na sotasamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ upādiyissāmi … na ghānasamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ upādiyissāmi … na jivhāsamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ upādiyissāmi … na kāyasamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ upādiyissāmi … na manosamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me manosamphassajāvedanānissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp feeling born of eye contact … feeling born of ear contact … feeling born of nose contact … feeling born of tongue contact … feeling born of body contact … feeling born of mind contact, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the feeling born of mind contact.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न पथवीधातुं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे पथवीधातुनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न आपोधातुं उपादियिस्सामि … न तेजोधातुं उपादियिस्सामि … न वायोधातुं उपादियिस्सामि … न आकासधातुं उपादियिस्सामि … न विञ्ञाणधातुं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे विञ्ञाणधातुनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na pathavīdhātuṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me pathavīdhātunissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na āpodhātuṁ upādiyissāmi … na tejodhātuṁ upādiyissāmi … na vāyodhātuṁ upādiyissāmi … na ākāsadhātuṁ upādiyissāmi … na viññāṇadhātuṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me viññāṇadhātunissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp the earth element … water element … fire element … air element … space element … consciousness element, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the consciousness element.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न रूपं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे रूपनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न वेदनं उपादियिस्सामि … न सञ्ञं उपादियिस्सामि … न सङ्खारे उपादियिस्सामि … न विञ्ञाणं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे विञ्ञाणनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na rūpaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me rūpanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na vedanaṁ upādiyissāmi … na saññaṁ upādiyissāmi … na saṅkhāre upādiyissāmi … na viññāṇaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me viññāṇanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp form … feeling … perception … functioning patterns … consciousness, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on consciousness.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न आकासानञ्चायतनं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे आकासानञ्चायतननिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न विञ्ञाणञ्चायतनं उपादियिस्सामि … न आकिञ्चञ्ञायतनं उपादियिस्सामि … न नेवसञ्ञानासञ्ञायतनं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे नेवसञ्ञानासञ्ञायतननिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me ākāsānañcāyatananissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ upādiyissāmi … na ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ upādiyissāmi … na nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me nevasaññānāsaññāyatananissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp the dimension of infinite space … the dimension of infinite consciousness … the dimension of nothingness … the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न इधलोकं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे इधलोकनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na idhalokaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me idhalokanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp this world, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on this world.’ That’s how you should train.

    तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘न परलोकं उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे परलोकनिस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बं। तस्मातिह ते, गहपति, एवं सिक्खितब्बं: ‘यम्पि मे दिट्ठं सुतं मुतं विञ्ञातं पत्तं परियेसितं अनुपरियेसितं अनुचरितं मनसा तम्पि न उपादियिस्सामि, न च मे तन्निस्सितं विञ्ञाणं भविस्सतीऽति। एवञ्हि ते, गहपति, सिक्खितब्बन्”ति।

    Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘na paralokaṁ upādiyissāmi, na ca me paralokanissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabbaṁ. Tasmātiha te, gahapati, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘yampi me diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ mutaṁ viññātaṁ pattaṁ pariyesitaṁ anupariyesitaṁ anucaritaṁ manasā tampi na upādiyissāmi, na ca me tannissitaṁ viññāṇaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, gahapati, sikkhitabban”ti.

    You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp the other world, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the other world.’ That’s how you should train. You should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp whatever is seen, heard, thought, known, attained, sought, and explored by my mind, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on that.’ That’s how you should train.”

    एवं वुत्ते, अनाथपिण्डिको गहपति परोदि, अस्सूनि पवत्तेसि। अथ खो आयस्मा आनन्दो अनाथपिण्डिकं गहपतिं एतदवोच: “ओलीयसि खो त्वं, गहपति, संसीदसि खो त्वं, गहपती”ति?

    Evaṁ vutte, anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati parodi, assūni pavattesi. Atha kho āyasmā ānando anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ etadavoca: “olīyasi kho tvaṁ, gahapati, saṁsīdasi kho tvaṁ, gahapatī”ti?

    When he said this, Anāthapiṇḍika cried and burst out in tears. Venerable Ānanda said to him, “Are you failing, householder? Are you fading, householder?”

    “नाहं, भन्ते आनन्द, ओलीयामि, नपि संसीदामि; अपि च मे दीघरत्तं सत्था पयिरुपासितो मनोभावनीया च भिक्खू; न च मे एवरूपी धम्मी कथा सुतपुब्बा”ति।

    “Nāhaṁ, bhante ānanda, olīyāmi, napi saṁsīdāmi; api ca me dīgharattaṁ satthā payirupāsito manobhāvanīyā ca bhikkhū; na ca me evarūpī dhammī kathā sutapubbā”ti.

    “No, Honorable Ānanda. But for a long time I have paid homage to the Buddha and the esteemed bhikkhus. Yet I have never before heard such a Dhamma talk.”

    “न खो, गहपति, गिहीनं ओदातवसनानं एवरूपी धम्मी कथा पटिभाति; पब्बजितानं खो, गहपति, एवरूपी धम्मी कथा पटिभाती”ति।

    “Na kho, gahapati, gihīnaṁ odātavasanānaṁ evarūpī dhammī kathā paṭibhāti; pabbajitānaṁ kho, gahapati, evarūpī dhammī kathā paṭibhātī”ti.

    “Householder, it does not occur to us to teach such a Dhamma talk to white-clothed laypeople. Rather, we teach like this to those gone forth.”

    “तेन हि, भन्ते सारिपुत्त, गिहीनम्पि ओदातवसनानं एवरूपी धम्मी कथा पटिभातु। सन्ति हि, भन्ते, कुलपुत्ता अप्परजक्खजातिका, अस्सवनता धम्मस्स परिहायन्ति; भविस्सन्ति धम्मस्स अञ्ञातारो”ति।

    “Tena hi, bhante sāriputta, gihīnampi odātavasanānaṁ evarūpī dhammī kathā paṭibhātu. Santi hi, bhante, kulaputtā apparajakkhajātikā, assavanatā dhammassa parihāyanti; bhavissanti dhammassa aññātāro”ti.

    “Well then, Honorable Sāriputta, let it occur to you to teach such a Dhamma talk to white-clothed laypeople as well! There are gentlemen with little dust in their eyes. They’re in decline because they haven’t heard the teaching. There will be those who understand the teaching!”

    अथ खो आयस्मा च सारिपुत्तो आयस्मा च आनन्दो अनाथपिण्डिकं गहपतिं इमिना ओवादेन ओवदित्वा उट्ठायासना पक्कमिंसु। अथ खो अनाथपिण्डिको गहपति, अचिरपक्कन्ते आयस्मन्ते च सारिपुत्ते आयस्मन्ते च आनन्दे, कालमकासि तुसितं कायं उपपज्जि।

    Atha kho āyasmā ca sāriputto āyasmā ca ānando anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ iminā ovādena ovaditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkamiṁsu. Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati, acirapakkante āyasmante ca sāriputte āyasmante ca ānande, kālamakāsi tusitaṁ kāyaṁ upapajji.

    And when the venerables Sāriputta and Ānanda had given the householder Anāthapiṇḍika this advice they got up from their seat and left. Not long after they had left, Anāthapiṇḍika passed away and was reborn in the host of Joyful Gods.

    अथ खो अनाथपिण्डिको देवपुत्तो अभिक्कन्ताय रत्तिया अभिक्कन्तवण्णो केवलकप्पं जेतवनं ओभासेत्वा येन भगवा तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा एकमन्तं अट्ठासि। एकमन्तं ठितो खो अनाथपिण्डिको देवपुत्तो भगवन्तं गाथाहि अज्झभासि:

    Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko devaputto abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantavaṇṇo kevalakappaṁ jetavanaṁ obhāsetvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho anāthapiṇḍiko devaputto bhagavantaṁ gāthāhi ajjhabhāsi:

    Then, late at night, the glorious god Anāthapiṇḍika, lighting up the entire Jeta’s Grove, went up to the Buddha, bowed, stood to one side, and addressed the Buddha in verse:

    “इदञ्हि तं जेतवनं, इसिसङ्घनिसेवितं; आवुत्थं धम्मराजेन, पीतिसञ्जननं मम।

    “Idañhi taṁ jetavanaṁ, isisaṅghanisevitaṁ; Āvutthaṁ dhammarājena, pītisañjananaṁ mama.

    “This is indeed that Jeta’s Grove, frequented by the Saṅgha of seers, where the King of Dhamma stayed: it brings me joy!

    कम्मं विज्जा च धम्मो च, सीलं जीवितमुत्तमं; एतेन मच्चा सुज्झन्ति, न गोत्तेन धनेन वा।

    Kammaṁ vijjā ca dhammo ca, sīlaṁ jīvitamuttamaṁ; Etena maccā sujjhanti, na gottena dhanena vā.

    Deeds, knowledge, and principle; ethical conduct, an excellent livelihood; by these are mortals purified, not by clan or wealth.

    तस्मा हि पण्डितो पोसो, सम्पस्सं अत्थमत्तनो; योनिसो विचिने धम्मं, एवं तत्थ विसुज्झति।

    Tasmā hi paṇḍito poso, sampassaṁ atthamattano; Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ, evaṁ tattha visujjhati.

    That’s why an astute person, seeing what’s good for themselves, would examine the teaching rationally, and thus be purified in it.

    सारिपुत्तोव पञ्ञाय, सीलेन उपसमेन च; योपि पारङ्गतो भिक्खु, एतावपरमो सिया”ति।

    Sāriputtova paññāya, sīlena upasamena ca; Yopi pāraṅgato bhikkhu, etāvaparamo siyā”ti.

    Sāriputta is full of wisdom, ethics, and peace. Even a bhikkhu who has crossed over might at best equal him.”

    इदमवोच अनाथपिण्डिको देवपुत्तो। समनुञ्ञो सत्था अहोसि। अथ खो अनाथपिण्डिको देवपुत्तो: “समनुञ्ञो मे सत्था”ति भगवन्तं अभिवादेत्वा पदक्खिणं कत्वा तत्थेवन्तरधायि।

    Idamavoca anāthapiṇḍiko devaputto. Samanuñño satthā ahosi. Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko devaputto: “samanuñño me satthā”ti bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā tatthevantaradhāyi.

    This is what the god Anāthapiṇḍika said, and the teacher approved. Then the god Anāthapiṇḍika, knowing that the teacher approved, bowed and respectfully circled the Buddha, keeping him on his right, before vanishing right there.

    अथ खो भगवा तस्सा रत्तिया अच्चयेन भिक्खू आमन्तेसि: “इमं, भिक्खवे, रत्तिं अञ्ञतरो देवपुत्तो अभिक्कन्ताय रत्तिया अभिक्कन्तवण्णो केवलकप्पं जेतवनं ओभासेत्वा येनाहं तेनुपसङ्कमि; उपसङ्कमित्वा मं अभिवादेत्वा एकमन्तं अट्ठासि। एकमन्तं ठितो खो सो देवपुत्तो मं गाथाहि अज्झभासि:

    Atha kho bhagavā tassā rattiyā accayena bhikkhū āmantesi: “imaṁ, bhikkhave, rattiṁ aññataro devaputto abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantavaṇṇo kevalakappaṁ jetavanaṁ obhāsetvā yenāhaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā maṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho so devaputto maṁ gāthāhi ajjhabhāsi:

    Then, when the night had passed, the Buddha told the bhikkhus all that had happened.

    ‘इदञ्हि तं जेतवनं, इसिसङ्घनिसेवितं; आवुत्थं धम्मराजेन, पीतिसञ्जननं मम।

    ‘Idañhi taṁ jetavanaṁ, isisaṅghanisevitaṁ; Āvutthaṁ dhammarājena, pītisañjananaṁ mama.

    कम्मं विज्जा च धम्मो च, सीलं जीवितमुत्तमं; एतेन मच्चा सुज्झन्ति, न गोत्तेन धनेन वा।

    Kammaṁ vijjā ca dhammo ca, sīlaṁ jīvitamuttamaṁ; Etena maccā sujjhanti, na gottena dhanena vā.

    तस्मा हि पण्डितो पोसो, सम्पस्सं अत्थमत्तनो; योनिसो विचिने धम्मं, एवं तत्थ विसुज्झति।

    Tasmā hi paṇḍito poso, sampassaṁ atthamattano; Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ, evaṁ tattha visujjhati.

    सारिपुत्तोव पञ्ञाय, सीलेन उपसमेन च; योपि पारङ्गतो भिक्खु, एतावपरमो सियाऽति।

    Sāriputtova paññāya, sīlena upasamena ca; Yopi pāraṅgato bhikkhu, etāvaparamo siyā’ti.

    इदमवोच, भिक्खवे, सो देवपुत्तो। ‘समनुञ्ञो मे सत्थाऽति मं अभिवादेत्वा पदक्खिणं कत्वा तत्थेवन्तरधायी”ति।

    Idamavoca, bhikkhave, so devaputto. ‘Samanuñño me satthā’ti maṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā tatthevantaradhāyī”ti.

    एवं वुत्ते, आयस्मा आनन्दो भगवन्तं एतदवोच:

    Evaṁ vutte, āyasmā ānando bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:

    When he had spoken, Venerable Ānanda said to the Buddha:

    “सो हि नून सो, भन्ते, अनाथपिण्डिको देवपुत्तो भविस्सति। अनाथपिण्डिको, भन्ते, गहपति आयस्मन्ते सारिपुत्ते अभिप्पसन्नो अहोसी”ति।

    “so hi nūna so, bhante, anāthapiṇḍiko devaputto bhavissati. Anāthapiṇḍiko, bhante, gahapati āyasmante sāriputte abhippasanno ahosī”ti.

    “Sir, that god must surely have been Anāthapiṇḍika. For the householder Anāthapiṇḍika was devoted to Venerable Sāriputta.”

    “साधु साधु, आनन्द। यावतकं खो, आनन्द, तक्काय पत्तब्बं, अनुप्पत्तं तं तया। अनाथपिण्डिको सो, आनन्द, देवपुत्तो”ति।

    “Sādhu sādhu, ānanda. Yāvatakaṁ kho, ānanda, takkāya pattabbaṁ, anuppattaṁ taṁ tayā. Anāthapiṇḍiko so, ānanda, devaputto”ti.

    “Good, good, Ānanda. You’ve reached the logical conclusion, as far as logic goes. For that was indeed the god Anāthapiṇḍika.”

    इदमवोच भगवा। अत्तमनो आयस्मा आनन्दो भगवतो भासितं अभिनन्दीति।

    Idamavoca bhagavā. Attamano āyasmā ānando bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandīti.

    That is what the Buddha said. Satisfied, Venerable Ānanda was happy with what the Buddha said.

    अनाथपिण्डिकोवादसुत्तं निट्ठितं पठमं।

    Anāthapiṇḍikovādasuttaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ paṭhamaṁ.

    The authoritative text of the Majjhima Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

    1. muddhani → muddhānaṁ (sya-all, km, pts1ed)

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