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Literary Works
Literary Works
Abraham de Vermeil: Ce n'est pas le trépas, c'est un très doux sommeil
Abraham de Vermeil: Je chante et pleure, et veux faire et défaire
Abraham de Vermeil: Je m'embarque joyeux, et ma voile pompeuse
Abraham de Vermeil: Muzain
Abraham de Vermeil: Ô Dieu qui vois ceste rouë execrable
Abraham de Vermeil: Ores que je suis mort, je vai, je viens, je vire
Abraham de Vermeil: Puisque tu veux dompter les siècles tout-perdants
Achim von Arnim; Olivier’s Berchtolsgadner Landschaft
Achim von Arnim: David der Prediger und Spinner
Achim von Arnim: Die heiligen Zeichen
Achim von Arnim: Zur Weihnachtszeit
Adelardo López de Ayala: A Antonio
Adelardo López de Ayala: A Carmela
Adelardo López de Ayala: A Emilia
Adelardo López de Ayala: A Isabel
Adelardo López de Ayala: A la esposa de mi amigo
Adelardo López de Ayala: A Luis Larra
Adelardo López de Ayala: A mi hermana Josefa
Adelardo López de Ayala: A Sara
Adelardo López de Ayala: A un pie
Adelardo López de Ayala: A una bañista
Adelardo López de Ayala: A unos pies
Adelardo López de Ayala: Al oído
Adelardo López de Ayala: Ante el retrato de una bella
Adelardo López de Ayala: Ausencia
Adelardo López de Ayala: Aviso a mi persona
Adelardo López de Ayala: Campoamor
Adelardo López de Ayala: Dos madrigales en uno
Adelardo López de Ayala: El olvido
Adelardo López de Ayala: El sol y la noche
Adelardo López de Ayala: El sueño
Adelardo López de Ayala: En la duda
Adelardo López de Ayala: Epístola a Emilio Arrieta
Adelardo López de Ayala: Epístola al Sr. Mariano Zabalburu
Adelardo López de Ayala: Es posible que desdeñes
Adelardo López de Ayala: Improvisación a una prima mía
Adelardo López de Ayala: Insulto
Adelardo López de Ayala: La cita
Adelardo López de Ayala: La música (en un album)
Adelardo López de Ayala: La pluma
Adelardo López de Ayala: La rosa de la aldeana
Adelardo López de Ayala: La semana que viene
Adelardo López de Ayala: Los dos artistas
Adelardo López de Ayala: Mi cuaderno de bitácora
Adelardo López de Ayala: Mi pensamiento
Adelardo López de Ayala: Mis deseos
Adelardo López de Ayala: Plegaria
Adelardo López de Ayala: Previsión inútil
Adelardo López de Ayala: Sin palabras
Aesop: Hercules and the Wagoner
Aesop: Jupiter and the Monkey
Aesop: Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus
Aesop: Mercury and the Sculptor
Aesop: Mercury and the Workmen
Aesop: The Aethiop
Aesop: The Ant and the Dove
Aesop: The Ants and the Grasshopper
Aesop: The Apes and the Two Travelers
Aesop: The Ass and His Driver
Aesop: The Ass and His Masters
Aesop: The Ass and His Purchaser
Aesop: The Ass and His Shadow
Aesop: The Ass and the Charger
Aesop: The Ass and the Frogs
Aesop: The Ass and the Grasshopper
Aesop: The Ass and the Horse
Aesop: The Ass and the Lapdog
Aesop: The Ass and the Mule
Aesop: The Ass and the Old Shepherd
Aesop: The Ass and the Wolf
Aesop: The Ass Carrying the Image
Aesop: The Ass in the Lion's Skin
Aesop: The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion
Aesop: The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion
Aesop: The Astronomer
Aesop: The Bald Knight
Aesop: The Bald Man and the Fly
Aesop: The Bat and the Weasels
Aesop: The Bear and the Fox
Aesop: The Bear and the Two Travelers
Aesop: The Bee and Jupiter
Aesop: The Belly and the Members
Aesop: The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock
Aesop: The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat
Aesop: The Bitch and Her Whelps
Aesop: The Blind Man and the Whelp
Aesop: The Boasting Traveler
Aesop: The Bowman and Lion
Aesop: The Boy and the Filberts
Aesop: The Boy and the Nettles
Aesop: The Boy Bathing
Aesop: The Boy Hunting Locusts
Aesop: The Boys and the Frogs
Aesop: The Brazier and His Dog
Aesop: The Brother and the Sister
Aesop: The Buffoon and the Countryman
Aesop: The Bull and the Calf
Aesop: The Bull and the Goat
Aesop: The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild-Boar Hunter
Aesop: The Camel
Aesop: The Camel and Jupiter
Aesop: The Camel and the Arab
Aesop: The Cat and the Birds
Aesop: The Cat and the Cock
Aesop: The Cat and the Mice
Aesop: The Cat and Venus
Aesop: The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller
Aesop: The Charger and the Miller
Aesop: The Cobbler Turned Doctor
Aesop: The Cock and the Jewel
Aesop: The Crab and Its Mother
Aesop: The Crab and the Fox
Aesop: The Crow and Mercury
Aesop: The Crow and the Pitcher
Aesop: The Crow and the Raven
Aesop: The Crow and the Serpent
Aesop: The Crow and the Sheep
Aesop: The Dancing Monkeys
Aesop: The Doe and the Lion
Aesop: The Dog and the Cook
Aesop: The Dog and the Hare
Aesop: The Dog and the Oyster
Aesop: The Dog and the Shadow
Aesop: The Dog in the Manger
Aesop: The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
Aesop: The Dog's House
Aesop: The Dogs and the Fox
Aesop: The Dogs and the Hides
Aesop: The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat
Aesop: The Dove and the Crow
Aesop: The Eagle and His Captor
Aesop: The Eagle and the Arrow
Aesop: The Eagle and the Fox
Aesop: The Eagle and the Jackdaw
Aesop: The Eagle and the Kite
Aesop: The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow
Aesop: The Farmer and His Sons
Aesop: The Farmer and the Cranes
Aesop: The Farmer and the Fox
Aesop: The Farmer and the Snake
Aesop: The Farmer and the Stork
Aesop: The Father and His Sons
Aesop: The Father and His Two Daughters
Aesop: The Fawn and His Mother
Aesop: The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle
Aesop: The Fir-Tree and the Bramble
Aesop: The Fisherman and His Nets
Aesop: The Fisherman and the Little Fish
Aesop: The Fisherman Piping
Aesop: The Fishermen
Aesop: The Flea and the Man
Aesop: The Flea and the Ox
Aesop: The Flea and the Wrestler
Aesop: The Flies and the Honey-Pot
Aesop: The Fly and the Draught-Mule
Aesop: The Fowler and the Viper
Aesop: The Fox and the Bramble
Aesop: The Fox and the Crane
Aesop: The Fox and the Crow
Aesop: The Fox and the Goat
Aesop: The Fox and the Grapes
Aesop: The Fox and the Hedgehog
Aesop: The Fox and the Leopard
Aesop: The Fox and the Lion
Aesop: The Fox and the Lion
Aesop: The Fox and the Mask
Aesop: The Fox and the Monkey
Aesop: The Fox and the Monkey
Aesop: The Fox and the Woodcutter
Aesop: The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail
Aesop: The Frogs Asking for a King
Aesop: The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun
Aesop: The Gamecocks and the Partridge
Aesop: The Geese and the Cranes
Aesop: The Gnat and the Bull
Aesop: The Gnat and the Lion
Aesop: The Goat and the Ass
Aesop: The Goat and the Goatherd
Aesop: The Goatherd and the Wild Goats
Aesop: The Goods and the Ills
Aesop: The Grasshopper and the Owl
Aesop: The Hare and the Hound
Aesop: The Hare and the Tortoise
Aesop: The Hares and the Foxes
Aesop: The Hares and the Frogs
Aesop: The Hares and the Lions
Aesop: The Hart and the Vine
Aesop: The Hawk and the Nightingale
Aesop: The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons
Aesop: The Heifer and the Ox
Aesop: The Hen and the Golden Eggs
Aesop: The Hen and the Swallow
Aesop: The Herdsman and the Lost Bull
Aesop: The Horse and Groom
Aesop: The Horse and His Rider
Aesop: The Horse and the Ass
Aesop: The Horse and the Stag
Aesop: The Hunter and the Horseman
Aesop: The Hunter and the Woodman
Aesop: The Huntsman and the Fisherman
Aesop: The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter
Aesop: The Jackdaw and the Doves
Aesop: The Jackdaw and the Fox
Aesop: The Kid and the Wolf
Aesop: The Kid and the Wolf
Aesop: The King's Son and the Painted Lion
Aesop: The Kingdom of the Lion
Aesop: The Kites and the Swans
Aesop: The Laborer and the Snake
Aesop: The Lamp
Aesop: The Lark and Her Young Ones
Aesop: The Lark Burying Her Father
Aesop: The Lion and the Boar
Aesop: The Lion and the Bull
Aesop: The Lion and the Dolphin
Aesop: The Lion and the Eagle
Aesop: The Lion and the Fox
Aesop: The Lion and the Hare
Aesop: The Lion and the Mouse
Aesop: The Lion and the Shepherd
Aesop: The Lion and the Three Bulls
Aesop: The Lion in a Farmyard
Aesop: The Lion in Love
Aesop: The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant
Aesop: The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox
Aesop: The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass
Aesop: The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox
Aesop: The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox
Aesop: The Lioness
Aesop: The Man and His Two Sweethearts
Aesop: The Man and His Wife
Aesop: The Man and the Lion
Aesop: The Man and the Satyr
Aesop: The Man Bitten by a Dog
Aesop: The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog
Aesop: The Manslayer
Aesop: The Master and His Dogs
Aesop: The Mice and the Weasels
Aesop: The Mice in Council
Aesop: The Milk-Woman and Her Pail
Aesop: The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass
Aesop: The Mischievous Dog
Aesop: The Miser
Aesop: The Mole and His Mother
Aesop: The Monkey and the Camel
Aesop: The Monkey and the Dolphin
Aesop: The Monkey and the Fishermen
Aesop: The Monkeys and Their Mother
Aesop: The Mother and the Wolf
Aesop: The Mountain in Labor
Aesop: The Mouse and the Bull
Aesop: The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk
Aesop: The Mule
Aesop: The Mules and the Robbers
Aesop: The North Wind and the Sun
Aesop: The Oak and the Reeds
Aesop: The Oak and the Woodcutters
Aesop: The Oaks and Jupiter
Aesop: The Old Hound
Aesop: The Old Lion
Aesop: The Old Man and Death
Aesop: The Old Woman and the Physician
Aesop: The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar
Aesop: The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree
Aesop: The One-Eyed Doe
Aesop: The Owl and the Birds
Aesop: The Ox and the Frog
Aesop: The Oxen and the Axle-Trees
Aesop: The Oxen and the Butchers
Aesop: The Panther and the Shepherds
Aesop: The Partridge and the Fowler
Aesop: The Peacock and Juno
Aesop: The Peacock and the Crane
Aesop: The Peasant and the Apple-Tree
Aesop: The Peasant and the Eagle
Aesop: The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury
Aesop: The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat
Aesop: The Playful Ass
Aesop: The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble
Aesop: The Prophet
Aesop: The Quack Frog
Aesop: The Raven and the Swan
Aesop: The Rich Man and the Tanner
Aesop: The Rivers and the Sea
Aesop: The Rose and the Amaranth
Aesop: The Salt Merchant and His Ass
Aesop: The Seagull and the Kite
Aesop: The Seaside Travelers
Aesop: The Seller of Images
Aesop: The Serpent and the Eagle
Aesop: The She-Goats and Their Beards
Aesop: The Shepherd and the Dog
Aesop: The Shepherd and the Sea
Aesop: The Shepherd and the Sheep
Aesop: The Shepherd and the Wolf
Aesop: The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf
Aesop: The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea
Aesop: The Sick Kite
Aesop: The Sick Lion
Aesop: The Sick Stag
Aesop: The Sparrow and the Hare
Aesop: The Spendthrift and the Swallow
Aesop: The Stag at the Pool
Aesop: The Stag in the Ox-Stall
Aesop: The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep
Aesop: The Swallow and the Crow
Aesop: The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice
Aesop: The Swan and the Goose
Aesop: The Swollen Fox
Aesop: The Thief and His Mother
Aesop: The Thief and the Housedog
Aesop: The Thief and the Innkeeper
Aesop: The Thieves and the Cock
Aesop: The Thirsty Pigeon
Aesop: The Three Tradesmen
Aesop: The Thrush and the Fowler
Aesop: The Tortoise and the Eagle
Aesop: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Aesop: The Traveler and Fortune
Aesop: The Traveler and His Dog
Aesop: The Travelers and the Plane-Tree
Aesop: The Trees and the Axe
Aesop: The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods
Aesop: The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
Aesop: The Two Bags
Aesop: The Two Dogs
Aesop: The Two Frogs
Aesop: The Two Frogs
Aesop: The Two Men Who Were Enemies
Aesop: The Two Pots
Aesop: The Two Soldiers and the Robber
Aesop: The Two Travelers and the Axe
Aesop: The Vain Jackdaw
Aesop: The Vine and the Goat
Aesop: The Viper and the File
Aesop: The Walnut-Tree
Aesop: The Wasp and the Snake
Aesop: The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer
Aesop: The Weasel and the Mice
Aesop: The Widow and Her Little Maidens
Aesop: The Widow and the Sheep
Aesop: The Wild Ass and the Lion
Aesop: The Wild Boar and the Fox
Aesop: The Wolf and the Crane
Aesop: The Wolf and the Fox
Aesop: The Wolf and the Goat
Aesop: The Wolf and the Horse
Aesop: The Wolf and the Housedog
Aesop: The Wolf and the Lamb
Aesop: The Wolf and the Lion
Aesop: The Wolf and the Lion
Aesop: The Wolf and the Sheep
Aesop: The Wolf and the Shepherd
Aesop: The Wolf and the Shepherds
Aesop: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Aesop: The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape
Aesop: The Wolves and the Sheep
Aesop: The Wolves and the Sheepdogs
Aesop: The Woman and Her Hen
Aesop: Truth and the Traveler
Agustín Moreto: Las galeras de la honra
Alain-Fournier: « Sur la nacelle… »
Alain-Fournier: Le Miracle des trois dames de village
Alain-Fournier: Tristesses d’été
Albert Samain: Améthyste
Albert Samain: Amphise et Melitta
Albert Samain: Antigone
Albert Samain: Automne
Albert Samain: Axilis au ruisseau
Albert Samain: Bacchante
Albert Samain: Damœtas et Methymne
Albert Samain: Émeraude
Albert Samain: Faust
Albert Samain: Forêts
Albert Samain: Hermione et les Bergers
Albert Samain: Hérode
Albert Samain: Idéal
Albert Samain: L’Hécatombe
Albert Samain: La Bulle
Albert Samain: La Chimère
Albert Samain: La Dame de printemps
Albert Samain: La Grenouille
Albert Samain: La Maison du matin
Albert Samain: La Peau de bête
Albert Samain: La Sagesse
Albert Samain: La Tourterelle d’Amymone
Albert Samain: Le Bonheur
Albert Samain: Le Boucher
Albert Samain: Le Cortège d’Amphitrite
Albert Samain: Le Fleuve
Albert Samain: Le Laboureur
Albert Samain: Le Marché
Albert Samain: Le Petit Palémon
Albert Samain: Le Repas préparé
Albert Samain: Le Repos en Égypte
Albert Samain: Le Sommeil de Canope
Albert Samain: Le Sphinx
Albert Samain: Les Bûchers
Albert Samain: Les Constellations
Albert Samain: Les Monts
Albert Samain: Les Vierges au crépuscule
Albert Samain: Mnasyle
Albert Samain: Myrtil et Palémone
Albert Samain: Nyza chante
Albert Samain: Pannyre aux talons d’or
Albert Samain: Rhodante
Albert Samain: Soirs
Albert Samain: Symphonie héroïque
Albert Samain: Vision
Albert Samain: Vocation
Albert Samain: Xanthis
Albert Thomas: À la mémoire de Charles Guérin
Alberto Lista: A Delia
Alberto Lista: A Elisa
Alberto Lista: A Filis
Alberto Lista: A la amistad
Alberto Lista: Del amor
Alberto Lista: La ausencia
Alberto Lista: La duda
Alberto Lista: La envidia
Alberto Lista: La esperanza
Alberto Lista: La razón inútil
Alberto Lista: Regalo a una nueva esposa
Aleardo Aleardi: A te
Aleardo Aleardi: A te
Aleardo Aleardi: Accanto a Roma
Aleardo Aleardi: Elegie
Aleardo Aleardi: Elegie
Aleardo Aleardi: L'aurora boreale del 25 ottobre 1870
Aleardo Aleardi: Le inondazioni
Aleardo Aleardi: Per nozze
Alessandro Manzoni: A Francesco Lomonaco
Alessandro Manzoni: A G. Battista Pagani
Alessandro Manzoni: A Parteneide
Alessandro Manzoni: Adda
Alessandro Manzoni: Alla Musa
Alessandro Manzoni: Amore a Delia
Alessandro Manzoni: Contro i poetastri
Alessandro Manzoni: Del trionfo della libertà
Alessandro Manzoni: Dio nella natura
Alessandro Manzoni: Frammento d'un'ode alle muse
Alessandro Manzoni: Il cinque maggio
Alessandro Manzoni: Il Natale
Alessandro Manzoni: Il Nome di Maria
Alessandro Manzoni: In morte di Carlo Imbonati
Alessandro Manzoni: La Passione
Alessandro Manzoni: La Pentecoste
Alessandro Manzoni: La Risurrezione
Alessandro Manzoni: Ognissanti
Alessandro Manzoni: Panegirico a Trimalcione
Alessandro Manzoni: Ritratto di sè stesso
Alessandro Manzoni: Urania
Alessandro Tassoni: Ad Elena...
Alessandro Tassoni: Alle signore Orsi
Alessandro Tassoni: L'Oceano
Alessandro Tassoni: L'ombra di Carlo Emanuele duca di Savoia, che parla all'Italia
Alessandro Tassoni: Nobile amore
Alessandro Tassoni: Sopra un avaro ricco
Alexandre Dumas fils: L’Oiseau prisonnier
Alexandre Dumas: The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers
Alexis Dalès: La Polka des Gourmands
Alexis de Valon: Catalina de Erauso La Monja Alferez
Alexis de Valon: L’Île de Tine
Alexis de Valon: Malte
Alfio Belluso: A' piè dell'Etna
Alfio Belluso: I Baci
Alfio Belluso: In una chiesa
Alfio Belluso: Non pensi a me...
Alfio Belluso: Resurrezione
Alfonso Verdugo Castilla: A Nuestra Señora de la Aurora
Alfonso Verdugo Castilla: Reverso de la medalla antecedente
Alfonso Verdugo Castilla: Soneto satírico
Alfred de Vigny: Chant de Suzanne au Bain
Alfred de Vigny: Dolorida
Alfred de Vigny: Héléna
Alfred de Vigny: L'Esprit Parisien
Alfred de Vigny: L’Âge d’Or de l’Avenir
Alfred de Vigny: La Dryade
Alfred de Vigny: La Femme adultère
Alfred de Vigny: La Fille de Jephté
Alfred de Vigny: La Flûte
Alfred de Vigny: La Frégate La Sérieuse
Alfred de Vigny: La Maison du Berger
Alfred de Vigny: La Mort du Loup
Alfred de Vigny: La Neige
Alfred de Vigny: La Prison
Alfred de Vigny: Laurette ou le cachet rouge
Alfred de Vigny: Le Bain
Alfred de Vigny: Le Bain d’une dame romaine
Alfred de Vigny: Le Bal
Alfred de Vigny: Le Cor
Alfred de Vigny: Le Déluge
Alfred de Vigny: Le Malheur
Alfred de Vigny: Le Mont des Oliviers
Alfred de Vigny: Le Somnambule
Alfred de Vigny: Le Trappiste
Alfred de Vigny: Les Amants de Montmorency
Alfred de Vigny: Lord Littleton
Alfred de Vigny: Madame de Soubise
Alfred de Vigny: Paris
Alfred de Vigny: Symétha
Alfred de Vigny: Une âme devant Dieu
Alfredo Oriani: A poppa
Alfredo Oriani: Il ritratto
Alfredo Oriani: La città
Alfredo Oriani: Mirra
Alfredo Oriani: Vortice
Alphonse Daudet: L’Enfant espion
Alphonse Daudet: La Dernière Classe
Alphonse Daudet: La Partie de billard
Alphonse Daudet: La Vision du juge de Colmar
Alphonse Daudet: Le mauvais zouave
Alphonse Daudet: Les Mères
Alphonse de Lamartine: Contre la peine de mort
Alphonse de Lamartine: La Marseillaise de la Paix
Alphonse de Lamartine: Le Retour
Alphonse de Lamartine: Vers sur un album
Amable Tastu: À Prud’hon
Amable Tastu: D’où vient que l’âme humaine
Amable Tastu: L’Écho de la Harpe
Amable Tastu: L’Étoile de la Lyre
Amable Tastu: La France et l’Industrie
Amable Tastu: La Jeune Mère mourante
Amable Tastu: La Liberté, ou le Serment des trois Suisses
Amable Tastu: La Veille de Noël
Amable Tastu: La Véronique
Amalia Domingo Soler: Al espíritu de Sofía
Amalia Domingo Soler: El mártir de los siglos
Amalia Domingo Soler: La Oración
Amalia Domingo Soler: Prólogo de una historia
Amalia Domingo Soler: Sombras de ayer
Amalia Domingo Soler: Un rayo de luz
American Fairy Tales: The Box of Robbers
American Fairy Tales: The Capture of Father Time
American Fairy Tales: The Dummy That Lived
American Fairy Tales: The Enchanted Types
American Fairy Tales: The Girl Who Owned a Bear
American Fairy Tales: The Glass Dog
American Fairy Tales: The King of the Polar Bears
American Fairy Tales: The Laughing Hippopotamus
American Fairy Tales: The Magic Bon Bons
American Fairy Tales: The Mandarin and the Butterfly
American Fairy Tales: The Queen of Quok
American Fairy Tales: The Wonderful Pump
Anatol France: Abeille
Anatol France: Filles et garçons
Anatol France: L'oeuf rouge
Anatol France: La fille de Lilith
Anatol France: La réséda du curé
Anatol France: Læta Acilia
Anatol France: M. Pigeonneau
Anatole France: Balthasar
Anatole France: Nos enfants
André Theuriet: Amoroso
André Theuriet: Andante
André Theuriet: Après la Grand'Messe
André Theuriet: Au Coin du Feu
André Theuriet: En Touraine
André Theuriet: In Memoriam
André Theuriet: L’assemblée
André Theuriet: La Brodeuse
André Theuriet: La Chanson du vannier
André Theuriet: Le bucheron
André Theuriet: Le coucou
André Theuriet: Le Retour au Bois
André Theuriet: Le Tisserand
André Theuriet: Les Chants du renouveau
André Theuriet: Les Étoiles
André Theuriet: Poésie
André Theuriet: Récits et paysages
André Theuriet: Un sphinx
André Theuriet: Une nuit de printemps
André Theuriet: Vieille Ballade
Ángel de Saavedra: Al faro de Malta
Ángel de Saavedra: Bailén
Ángel de Saavedra: Con once heridas mortales
Ángel de Saavedra: El Castillo
Ángel de Saavedra: El hospedador de provincia
Ángel de Saavedra: La niña descoloría
Ángel de Saavedra: Letrilla
Ángel de Saavedra: Los Hércules
Ángel de Saavedra: Magnífico es el Alcázar
Ángel de Saavedra: Quinientos años más joven
Ángel de Saavedra: Viaje al Vesubio
Angela Veronese: Asilo d'Amore
Angelo Maria Ricci: A Fille
Angelo Maria Ricci: Il dente di leone
Angelo Maria Ricci: Il vilucchio delle siepi
Angelo Maria Ricci: La sassefica
Angelo Mazza: L'androgino
Angelo Poliziano: Ben venga maggio
Angelo Poliziano: I' mi trovai, fanciulle, un bel mattino
Angelo Poliziano: Stanze de messer Angelo Politiano cominciate per la giostra del magnifico Giuliano di Pietro de Medici, Libro I
Angelo Poliziano: Stanze de messer Angelo Politiano cominciate per la giostra del magnifico Giuliano di Pietro de Medici, Libro II
Angelo Zanardini: Serenata
Anna de Noailles: À la Nuit
Anna de Noailles: Dissuasion
Anna de Noailles: Exaltation
Anna de Noailles: Il fera longtemps clair ce soir
Anna de Noailles: L’Automne
Anna de Noailles: L’Empreinte
Anna de Noailles: L’Enfant Eros
Anna de Noailles: L’Image
Anna de Noailles: L’Inquiet Désir
Anna de Noailles: L’Offrande à la nature
Anna de Noailles: L’Orgueil
Anna de Noailles: La Chaude Chanson
Anna de Noailles: La Vie profonde
Anna de Noailles: Le Baiser
Anna de Noailles: Le Cœur
Anna de Noailles: Le Jardin et la Maison
Anna de Noailles: Le Pays
Anna de Noailles: Le Temps de vivre
Anna de Noailles: Le Verger
Anna de Noailles: Les Parfums
Anna de Noailles: Les Saisons et l’Amour
Anna de Noailles: Ô Lumineux Matin
Anna de Noailles: Offrande à Pan
Anna de Noailles: Soir d’Été
Anna de Noailles: Voix Intérieure
Anne Samarine: Prière
Antoine-Léonard Thomas: Ode sur le temps
Anton Francesco Grazzini: Novella Prima
Anton Francesco Grazzini: Novella Seconda
Anton Francesco Menchi: Partire partirò
Anton Maria Salvini: Sonetto I
Anton Maria Salvini: Sonetto II
Anton Maria Salvini: Sonetto III
Anton Maria Salvini: Sonetto IV
Anton Maria Salvini: Sonetto V
Antonio Fogazzaro: Fedele
Antonio Fogazzaro: Il fiasco del maestro Chieco
Antonio Fogazzaro: Il Santo
Antonio Fogazzaro: Primo intermezzo
Antonio Fogazzaro: Secondo intermezzo
Antonio Fogazzaro: Un'idea di Ermes Torranza
Antonio García Gutiérrez: Carta a Filena
Antonio García Gutiérrez: Consejos
Antonio García Gutiérrez: Recuerdos
Antonio Ghislanzoni: Ama!
Antonio Ghislanzoni: I biografi
Antonio Ghislanzoni: I nostri tempi
Antonio Ghislanzoni: L'Uomo-Paletot
Antonio Ghislanzoni: Scuola moderna
Antonio Ghislanzoni: Volere è potere
Antonio Lussich: Los tres gauchos orientales
Antonio Machado: ¡Verdes jardinillos!
Antonio Machado: A la desierta plaza
Antonio Machado: A orillas del Duero
Antonio Machado: Amada, el aura dice...
Antonio Machado: Arte poética
Antonio Machado: Canciones a Guiomar
Antonio Machado: Cante hondo
Antonio Machado: El limonero lánguido suspende
Antonio Machado: El poeta
Antonio Machado: El viajero
Antonio Machado: En el entierro de un amigo
Antonio Machado: Fue una clara tarde, triste y soñolienta
Antonio Machado: Galerías
Antonio Machado: Hacia un ocaso radiante
Antonio Machado: He andado muchos caminos
Antonio Machado: La calle en sombra. Ocultan los altos caserones
Antonio Machado: La plaza y los naranjos encendidos
Antonio Machado: Las cañas de Sanlúcar
Antonio Machado: Muerte de Abel Martín
Antonio Machado: Olivo del camino
Antonio Machado: Orillas del Duero
Antonio Machado: Otras canciones a Guiomar
Antonio Machado: Otro clima
Antonio Machado: Parergon
Antonio Machado: Recuerdo infantil
Antonio Machado: Retrato
Antonio Machado: Siempre fugitive
Antonio Machado: Siesta
Antonio Machado: Sobre la clara estrella del ocaso
Antonio Machado: Y estas palabras inconexas
Antonio Machado: Yo escucho los cantos
Antonio Machado: Yo voy soñando caminos
Antonio Manussos: Alla stessa
Antonio Manussos: Battaglie d'Italia
Antonio Manussos: Il canto del soldato
Antonio Manussos: Il volontario alla battaglia di San Martino
Antonio Manussos: L'ombra di Costantino il grande
Antonio Manussos: La rosa
Antonio Manussos: Le donne di Lucca
Antonio Manussos: Marco Renieri
Antonio Manussos: Stornelli
Antonio Manussos: Sulla tomba di Vincenzo Coco Napoletano
Antonio Manussos: Tutto è amore
Antonio Pigafetta: Relazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondo
Antonio Pucci: Proprietà di Mercato Vecchio
Antonio Ros de Olano: A un soldado
Antonio Ros de Olano: El conde don Julián
Antonio Ros de Olano: El hombre ante Dios
Antonio Ros de Olano: Fatalidad
Antonio Ros de Olano: Los castillos de la Reconquista
Antonio Ros de Olano: Napoleón
Antonio Trueba: Castigo de Dios
Antonio Trueba: El Labrador
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