A World of Knowledge
    Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation

    अङ्गुत्तर निकाय ५।२६४

    Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.264

    Numbered Discourses 5.264

    २६। उपसम्पदावग्ग

    26. Upasampadāvagga

    26. Ordination



    Another Discourse on the First Absorption

    “पञ्चिमे, भिक्खवे, धम्मे अप्पहाय अभब्बो पठमं झानं उपसम्पज्ज विहरितुं। कतमे पञ्च? आवासमच्छरियं, कुलमच्छरियं, लाभमच्छरियं, वण्णमच्छरियं, अकतञ्ञुतं अकतवेदितं। इमे खो, भिक्खवे, पञ्च धम्मे अप्पहाय अभब्बो पठमं झानं उपसम्पज्ज विहरितुं।

    “Pañcime, bhikkhave, dhamme appahāya abhabbo paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharituṁ. Katame pañca? Āvāsamacchariyaṁ, kulamacchariyaṁ, lābhamacchariyaṁ, vaṇṇamacchariyaṁ, akataññutaṁ akataveditaṁ. Ime kho, bhikkhave, pañca dhamme appahāya abhabbo paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharituṁ.

    “Bhikkhus, without giving up these five qualities you can’t enter and remain in the first jhāna. What five? Stinginess with dwellings, families, material possessions, praise, and lack of gratitude and thankfulness. Without giving up these five qualities you can’t enter and remain in the first jhāna.

    पञ्चिमे, भिक्खवे, धम्मे पहाय भब्बो पठमं झानं उपसम्पज्ज विहरितुं। कतमे पञ्च? आवासमच्छरियं, कुलमच्छरियं, लाभमच्छरियं, वण्णमच्छरियं, अकतञ्ञुतं अकतवेदितं। इमे खो, भिक्खवे, पञ्च धम्मे पहाय भब्बो पठमं झानं उपसम्पज्ज विहरितुन्”ति।

    Pañcime, bhikkhave, dhamme pahāya bhabbo paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharituṁ. Katame pañca? Āvāsamacchariyaṁ, kulamacchariyaṁ, lābhamacchariyaṁ, vaṇṇamacchariyaṁ, akataññutaṁ akataveditaṁ. Ime kho, bhikkhave, pañca dhamme pahāya bhabbo paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharitun”ti.

    But after giving up these five qualities you can enter and remain in the first jhāna. What five? Stinginess with dwellings, families, material possessions, praise, and lack of gratitude and thankfulness. After giving up these five qualities you can enter and remain in the first jhāna.”



    The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

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