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This gene is involved in bone structure and the regulation of bone formation. (NCI Thesaurus)

Provider: BresaGen, Inc., Athens, GA. Information from provider and not independently verified by NIH: Cells are positive for cell markers SSEA-3, SSEA-4,…

Provider: BresaGen, Inc., Athens, GA. Information from provider and not independently verified by NIH: Cells are positive for cell markers SSEA-3, SSEA-4,…

Provider: BresaGen, Inc., Athens, GA. Information from provider and not independently verified by NIH: Cells are positive for cell markers SSEA-3, SSEA-4,…

Provider: BresaGen, Inc., Athens, GA. Information from provider and not independently verified by NIH: Cells are positive for cell markers SSEA-3, SSEA-4,…

A gene therapy agent that is being studied in the treatment of cancer. It belongs to the family of drugs called biological…

An agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) with antilipidemic activity. Bezafibrate decreases triglyceride levels, increases high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels,…