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Any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation. (NCI Thesaurus)
A triazolo-benzodiazepine derivative with sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant activities. Brotizolam binds to the benzodiazepine binding site on the gamma aminobutyric acid…
A brother by marriage.
A male sibling.
A substance being studied in the treatment of cancer. Brostallicin hydrochloride binds to DNA and may kill cancer cells. It may…
A synthetic, alpha-bromoacrylic, second-generation minor groove binder (MGB), related to distamycin A, with potential antineoplastic activity. Brostallicin binds to DNA minor groove…
A bromine-containing agent reported to have antifungal and antibacterial activity.