A World of Knowledge
    Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation

    अङ्गुत्तर निकाय ५।८०

    Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.80

    Numbered Discourses 5.80

    ८। योधाजीववग्ग

    8. Yodhājīvavagga

    8. Warriors



    Future Perils (4th)

    “पञ्चिमानि, भिक्खवे, अनागतभयानि एतरहि असमुप्पन्नानि आयतिं समुप्पज्जिस्सन्ति। तानि वो पटिबुज्झितब्बानि; पटिबुज्झित्वा च तेसं पहानाय वायमितब्बं।

    “Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, anāgatabhayāni etarahi asamuppannāni āyatiṁ samuppajjissanti. Tāni vo paṭibujjhitabbāni; paṭibujjhitvā ca tesaṁ pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ.

    “Bhikkhus, these five future perils have not currently arisen, but they will arise in the future. You should look out for them and try to give them up.

    कतमानि पञ्च? भविस्सन्ति, भिक्खवे, भिक्खू अनागतमद्धानं चीवरे कल्याणकामा। ते चीवरे कल्याणकामा समाना रिञ्चिस्सन्ति पंसुकूलिकत्तं, रिञ्चिस्सन्ति अरञ्ञवनपत्थानि पन्तानि सेनासनानि; गामनिगमराजधानीसु ओसरित्वा वासं कप्पेस्सन्ति, चीवरहेतु च अनेकविहितं अनेसनं अप्पतिरूपं आपज्जिस्सन्ति। इदं, भिक्खवे, पठमं अनागतभयं एतरहि असमुप्पन्नं आयतिं समुप्पज्जिस्सति। तं वो पटिबुज्झितब्बं; पटिबुज्झित्वा च तस्स पहानाय वायमितब्बं।

    Katamāni pañca? Bhavissanti, bhikkhave, bhikkhū anāgatamaddhānaṁ cīvare kalyāṇakāmā. Te cīvare kalyāṇakāmā samānā riñcissanti paṁsukūlikattaṁ, riñcissanti araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni; gāmanigamarājadhānīsu osaritvā vāsaṁ kappessanti, cīvarahetu ca anekavihitaṁ anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjissanti. Idaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭhamaṁ anāgatabhayaṁ etarahi asamuppannaṁ āyatiṁ samuppajjissati. Taṁ vo paṭibujjhitabbaṁ; paṭibujjhitvā ca tassa pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ.

    What five? In a future time there will be bhikkhus who like nice robes. They will neglect the practice of wearing rag robes and the practice of frequenting remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest. They will come down to the villages, towns, and capital cities and make their homes there. And they will try to get robes in many kinds of wrong and inappropriate ways. This is the first future peril that has not currently arisen, but will arise in the future …

    पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भविस्सन्ति भिक्खू अनागतमद्धानं पिण्डपाते कल्याणकामा। ते पिण्डपाते कल्याणकामा समाना रिञ्चिस्सन्ति पिण्डपातिकत्तं, रिञ्चिस्सन्ति अरञ्ञवनपत्थानि पन्तानि सेनासनानि; गामनिगमराजधानीसु ओसरित्वा वासं कप्पेस्सन्ति जिव्हग्गेन रसग्गानि परियेसमाना, पिण्डपातहेतु च अनेकविहितं अनेसनं अप्पतिरूपं आपज्जिस्सन्ति। इदं, भिक्खवे, दुतियं अनागतभयं एतरहि असमुप्पन्नं आयतिं समुप्पज्जिस्सति। तं वो पटिबुज्झितब्बं; पटिबुज्झित्वा च तस्स पहानाय वायमितब्बं।

    Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhavissanti bhikkhū anāgatamaddhānaṁ piṇḍapāte kalyāṇakāmā. Te piṇḍapāte kalyāṇakāmā samānā riñcissanti piṇḍapātikattaṁ, riñcissanti araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni; gāmanigamarājadhānīsu osaritvā vāsaṁ kappessanti jivhaggena rasaggāni pariyesamānā, piṇḍapātahetu ca anekavihitaṁ anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjissanti. Idaṁ, bhikkhave, dutiyaṁ anāgatabhayaṁ etarahi asamuppannaṁ āyatiṁ samuppajjissati. Taṁ vo paṭibujjhitabbaṁ; paṭibujjhitvā ca tassa pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ.

    Furthermore, in a future time there will be bhikkhus who like nice almsfood. They will neglect the practice of walking for almsfood and the practice of frequenting remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest. They will come down to the villages, towns, and capital cities and make their homes there. And they will try to get almsfood in many kinds of wrong and inappropriate ways. This is the second future peril that has not currently arisen, but will arise in the future …

    पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भविस्सन्ति भिक्खू अनागतमद्धानं सेनासने कल्याणकामा। ते सेनासने कल्याणकामा समाना रिञ्चिस्सन्ति रुक्खमूलिकत्तं, रिञ्चिस्सन्ति अरञ्ञवनपत्थानि पन्तानि सेनासनानि; गामनिगमराजधानीसु ओसरित्वा वासं कप्पेस्सन्ति, सेनासनहेतु च अनेकविहितं अनेसनं अप्पतिरूपं आपज्जिस्सन्ति। इदं, भिक्खवे, ततियं अनागतभयं एतरहि असमुप्पन्नं आयतिं समुप्पज्जिस्सति। तं वो पटिबुज्झितब्बं; पटिबुज्झित्वा च तस्स पहानाय वायमितब्बं।

    Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhavissanti bhikkhū anāgatamaddhānaṁ senāsane kalyāṇakāmā. Te senāsane kalyāṇakāmā samānā riñcissanti rukkhamūlikattaṁ, riñcissanti araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni; gāmanigamarājadhānīsu osaritvā vāsaṁ kappessanti, senāsanahetu ca anekavihitaṁ anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjissanti. Idaṁ, bhikkhave, tatiyaṁ anāgatabhayaṁ etarahi asamuppannaṁ āyatiṁ samuppajjissati. Taṁ vo paṭibujjhitabbaṁ; paṭibujjhitvā ca tassa pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ.

    Furthermore, in a future time there will be bhikkhus who like nice lodgings. They will neglect the practice of staying at the root of a tree and the practice of frequenting remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest. They will come down to the villages, towns, and capital cities and make their homes there. And they will try to get lodgings in many kinds of wrong and inappropriate ways. This is the third future peril that has not currently arisen, but will arise in the future …

    पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भविस्सन्ति भिक्खू अनागतमद्धानं भिक्खुनीसिक्खमानासमणुद्देसेहि संसट्ठा विहरिस्सन्ति। भिक्खुनीसिक्खमानासमणुद्देसेहि संसग्गे खो पन, भिक्खवे, सति एतं पाटिकङ्खं: ‘अनभिरता वा ब्रह्मचरियं चरिस्सन्ति, अञ्ञतरं वा सङ्किलिट्ठं आपत्तिं आपज्जिस्सन्ति, सिक्खं वा पच्चक्खाय हीनायावत्तिस्सन्तिऽ। इदं, भिक्खवे, चतुत्थं अनागतभयं एतरहि असमुप्पन्नं आयतिं समुप्पज्जिस्सति। तं वो पटिबुज्झितब्बं; पटिबुज्झित्वा च तस्स पहानाय वायमितब्बं।

    Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhavissanti bhikkhū anāgatamaddhānaṁ bhikkhunīsikkhamānāsamaṇuddesehi saṁsaṭṭhā viharissanti. Bhikkhunīsikkhamānāsamaṇuddesehi saṁsagge kho pana, bhikkhave, sati etaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ: ‘anabhiratā vā brahmacariyaṁ carissanti, aññataraṁ vā saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjissanti, sikkhaṁ vā paccakkhāya hīnāyāvattissanti’. Idaṁ, bhikkhave, catutthaṁ anāgatabhayaṁ etarahi asamuppannaṁ āyatiṁ samuppajjissati. Taṁ vo paṭibujjhitabbaṁ; paṭibujjhitvā ca tassa pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ.

    Furthermore, in a future time there will be bhikkhus who mix closely with nuns, trainee nuns, and novice nuns. In such conditions, it can be expected that they will lead the spiritual life dissatisfied, or commit one of the corrupt offenses, or resign the training and return to a lesser life. This is the fourth future peril that has not currently arisen, but will arise in the future …

    पुन चपरं, भिक्खवे, भविस्सन्ति भिक्खू अनागतमद्धानं आरामिकसमणुद्देसेहि संसट्ठा विहरिस्सन्ति। आरामिकसमणुद्देसेहि संसग्गे खो पन, भिक्खवे, सति एतं पाटिकङ्खं: ‘अनेकविहितं सन्निधिकारपरिभोगं अनुयुत्ता विहरिस्सन्ति, ओळारिकम्पि निमित्तं करिस्सन्ति, पथवियापि हरितग्गेपिऽ। इदं, भिक्खवे, पञ्चमं अनागतभयं एतरहि असमुप्पन्नं आयतिं समुप्पज्जिस्सति। तं वो पटिबुज्झितब्बं; पटिबुज्झित्वा च तस्स पहानाय वायमितब्बं।

    Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhavissanti bhikkhū anāgatamaddhānaṁ ārāmikasamaṇuddesehi saṁsaṭṭhā viharissanti. Ārāmikasamaṇuddesehi saṁsagge kho pana, bhikkhave, sati etaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ: ‘anekavihitaṁ sannidhikāraparibhogaṁ anuyuttā viharissanti, oḷārikampi nimittaṁ karissanti, pathaviyāpi haritaggepi’. Idaṁ, bhikkhave, pañcamaṁ anāgatabhayaṁ etarahi asamuppannaṁ āyatiṁ samuppajjissati. Taṁ vo paṭibujjhitabbaṁ; paṭibujjhitvā ca tassa pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ.

    Furthermore, in a future time there will be bhikkhus who mix closely with monastery attendants and novices. In such conditions it can be expected that they will engage in storing up goods for their own use, and making obvious hints about digging the earth and cutting plants. This is the fifth future peril that has not currently arisen, but will arise in the future …

    इमानि खो, भिक्खवे, पञ्च अनागतभयानि एतरहि असमुप्पन्नानि आयतिं समुप्पज्जिस्सन्ति। तानि वो पटिबुज्झितब्बानि; पटिबुज्झित्वा च तेसं पहानाय वायमितब्बन्”ति।

    Imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañca anāgatabhayāni etarahi asamuppannāni āyatiṁ samuppajjissanti. Tāni vo paṭibujjhitabbāni; paṭibujjhitvā ca tesaṁ pahānāya vāyamitabban”ti.

    These are the five future perils that have not currently arisen, but will arise in the future. You should look out for them and try to give them up.”



    योधाजीववग्गो ततियो।

    Yodhājīvavaggo tatiyo.



    द्वे चेतोविमुत्तिफला, द्वे च धम्मविहारिनो; योधाजीवा च द्वे वुत्ता, चत्तारो च अनागताति।

    Dve cetovimuttiphalā, dve ca dhammavihārino; Yodhājīvā ca dve vuttā, cattāro ca anāgatāti.

    The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

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