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Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Definition 1
Inflammation of the prostate gland that is caused by a bacterial infection and that continues or gets worse over a long period of time. The infection may seem to go away but keeps coming back. Symptoms include body aches, pain in the lower back and genital area, a burning feeling during urination, and problems with emptying the bladder all the way. (NCI Dictionary)
Definition 2
A chronic infection of the prostate gland caused by bacteria. It is manifested with recurring urinary tract infections. The culture of the prostatic fluid, semen, or post-massage urine specimen reveals the presence of bacteria. (NCI Thesaurus)
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Inflammatory process characterized by infiltration of inflammatory cells into prostatic stromal and glandular elements.
The coexistence of a chronic inflammatory process with a superimposed polymorphonuclear neutrophilic infiltration.
Chronic colitis with superimposed neutrophilic mucosal infiltrates. It is usually seen during exacerbations of inflammatory bowel disease.